__ INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE/APRIL 17, 1991 Are You Awaiting Challenge Funds? If you have applied for a Chal- lenge grant and intend to hire a student this summer, consider hiring a Co-op student. Enthusias- tic, well-qualified students in Com- puter Information Systems, Accounting, Administrative Management and Marketing are available from May through August and are often hired by companies to do special project work. CIS students are often hired by industry to provide training and user support, as well as to in- stall and debug software and hardware. All Co-op students have a minimum of a C+ average; have attended pre-employment workshops; and have been inter- viewed by the co-ordinator, who assesses Suitability, attitude and adaptability to various work en- vironments. Co-op placements should be be- tween 12-16 weeks in length, and provide full-time employment. If you are interested in hiring a Co- op student from Commerce and Business Administration, please call Marian Hill at 5103 or 5446. @ Citizens’ Forum Two final public forums will provide a “last chance” for people in the lower mainland to par- ticipate in discussions about the fu- ture of Canada. Leslie (Skip) Triplett, Provincial Co-ordinator, B.C. and Marketing Instructor at Kwantlen College, in- vites all faculty, staff, ad- ministrators and students to participate. The times, dates and locations are: 7:00 pm, Wed., April 17 VCC Langara Campus, Room A130 100 West 49th Avenue (three blocks west of Main) Vancouver, B.C. 7:10 pm, Wed., May 1 Capilano College, Room A117, Div. A Bldg. (Main Admin.) 2055 Purcell Way, North Vancouver, B.C. Work-Study Each year, Douglas College is al- located a Work-Study budget from the Ministry of Advanced Educa- tion and Job Training. The Work- Study Program provides part-time employment (5 to 15 hours per week) to full-time students. Stu- dents may be employed at Douglas College, or off-campus with a non-profit organization. Students must qualify on the basis of financial need. Eligibility is determined by the Student Finance and Placement Office, after the assessment of each student’s Canada Student Loan/B.C. Student Loan and the information provided on the Work- Study application form. Students may work between 50 and 150 hours per semester depending upon their assessed need. At this time, we would like to ask for project submissions from interested College personnel. We are looking for one-time (non- repeating) projects that will be in addition to the normal on-going activities of the department. The projects should provide students with opportunities to develop career-related skills. Work-Study application forms are available at the Student Place- ment Office, Room 2710. The dead- line to submit Work-Study Project Applications for the SUM- MER, 1991 Semester is WEDNES- DAY, MAY 1st, 1991. @ For Sale —Sports Boy’s/Men’s Baseball Cleats: Size 7, Mitre Brand, used one season, $20.00. Boy’s Bicycle: 20" wheel, ages 5-10, Kuwahara, BMX style, good condition, $35.00. Girl's Bicycle: 5 speed, jr. touring bicycle, excellent condition, ages 9-12, $70.00. Phone Wendy Davies, 421-6821. @ -~é-— Student Loan Workshop Schedule Student Loan applications for Fall ‘91 and Spring “92 May 1991 Room Time May 1 2803 5:00-8:00 May 7 2803 1:00-4:00 May 8 2803 5:00-8:00 May 14 2803 1:00-4:00 May 15 2803 5:00-8:00 Library Reserves Reminder to Faculty: If you need reserves put on in the Library, try to put your requests in by April 30. If you have any ques- tions, please call Shari Hazelwood, local 5197. @ For Sale — Car 1981 Honda Accord hatchback, sunroof, 5 speed standard, new shocks, very good condition, $2800 or offers. Call Leah at 640- 0400 (work) or 737-2573. BCGEU Elected Positions At the BCGEU Bargaining Unit Meeting held on March 20, the fol- lowing staff members were elected: Carmen Mahood Anne Fenton Stewards Bargaining Glen James The existing elected members are: Chair Brenda Jack Stewards Brenda Jack Glen James Charlotte Currie Barb Offen Wilda Noniewicz Barb Offen Brenda Jack @ Bargaining