Shis issue: (Y Cutting the umbilical cord for national independence CGE Talelo roku elU ale lecimxclarela Alicia Ca Feber] aleligalleteKrs And more! Have your voice heard! Contact: Elliot Chan, Opinions Editor M www. ‘T’m all about that bass’ » Not men’s opinions of my body lloradanon Efimoff Contributor (CD oys like a little more booty to hold at night.” Tlove the song “All About That Bass” by Meghan Trainor. It has areally positive message. For a long time, positive body image has been a goal in fem- inist communities, which I’m all for. There have been many celebrities celebrating their curves, such as Lady Gaga, who stated: “My boyfriend prefers me curvier, when I eat andam healthy and not so worried about my looks, I’m happy.” Christina Aguilera stated something of the same ilk: “I’m happy where I am, I have a boy- friend that loves my body, I love my body, my son is healthy and happy. That’s all that matters.” This embracing of not-ste- reotypically “beautiful” bodies is refreshing and hopeful, : bodies. However, the fact that : all three of these celebrities : tie their love for their body to : the men in their lives is highly : ironic in the eyes of feminists. : The fact that being curvy is : only okay because men like : itis the same thing as being : skinny because men like it. : Curvy or skinny body types : being subject to male approval : and acceptance illustrates the : patriarchy in our society. I’ve written before about : apathy and how that may be : a better option towards body : image. Personally, I’ve been : inrelationships with men : who have wanted me to lose : weight, gain weight, or stay : the same. I’ve always been the : happiest when my partners : have kept their noses out of my : appearance. The fundamental : reason for this is because it’s : my body. Viewing your body : as beautiful because it’s func- : tional and healthy is the most because people should love their practical way to view this issue. Obviously aesthetics are an important part of many people’s : partner-choices, and most : wouldn’t deny that appearance : is important to some extent. : However, losing or gaining weight because your partner : wants you to is still submission : to the same type of control. Furthermore, this concept merely exacerbates competi- ; tion regarding appearance in : women. Ifit’s better to be curvy, ; are curvy women superior? : This is a continuation of the : “zero isn’t a size” movement : that started last April. It’s nota : matter of women doing it right, : small, or big, it’s a matter of : women doing it right regardless, : because appearance isn’t the : pinnacle of human existence. : Anyone who tells you so is ; not someone you should want : to associate with, let alone : be ina relationship with. “Cause every inch of you is perfect, from the : bottom to the top.” Consumer competition » Why ‘high-end’ brands are giving you a bland personality Elliot Chan . Opinions Editor M opinions e brag about the products we own as if it was some kind of accomplishment. As if it added value to our lives. It doesn't. When people approach me, eager to show off their expensive : : people choose to use expensive : products to separate themselves : from the less fortunate, and that : is the venom of consumerism. watch, designer purse, or bold- logo T-shirt, I feign excitement, smile, and for a brief moment, feel gracious at being in the presence of something so valuable. “Wow,” I exclaim, “you : : you want people to know about : your prosperity and wealth— : and maybe your fabricated : sense of style. You want people : to know that you can afford a : Versace bag, an Armani suit, : and a pair of D&G leather shoes. : You are, ina sense, better than : them. That attitude to me isa : little sickening, but it is true. : The same way some people : use cosmetics to appear more : “beautiful,” others use luxury must have worked really hard and been very fortunate to earn this luxury item. I’m sure glad I have a successful friend like you.” That feeling, however, vanishes quickly—just like my paycheque. High-end products such as designer brand fashion, luxury vehicles, and expensive alcohol fascinate me. I grew up ina lower-middle class family where less is more. All the same, my : parents always strived for the : best. When I went back-to- : school shopping, my parents : bought me Nike and Adidas. : When we went out to celebrate : my good grades, they would take : : me toa fine dining restaurant. : I'd have been satisfied with Joe : Fresh and McDonald’s, yet I : didn’t decline. Money didn’t buy : happiness, but it was a great way : : to motivate and celebrate. But that is not always the case; some If youre wearing a product with a large logo, it’s because : items to appear higher up on the : : social hierarchy. : [have a slight guilty : pleasure watching someone : purchase a counterfeit product thinking it’s authentic. They : saved money and they'll be : happy fora while. Most people : can't tell the difference between : : a Chanel bag purchased on Robson Street and the Chenel Furthermore, many : intimate relationships are : based around expensive : outfits and accessories. In our : consumer society, a mate’s : desirability is based upon the : bling. Now, I ain’t saying she’s : a gold digger, I’m just saying : she looks fine in H&M, driving : around ina Toyota Camry, and : eating brunch at Costco. A : relationship where lavishness : isa prerequisite is a flawed one. : And to think that someone : is not good enough for you : just b they don’t h : bag purchased on Keefer Street. eee eae : Sooner or later, those who own : a Chenel bag will ultimately : feel inferior. They would rather : throw it away shamefully than : continue using it as a practical item. It’s true consumer tragedy. : owning a garment will change our personality and make us ; more appealing, successful, and : happy. Luxury items are short- : term solutions, like drugs or : alcohol; they don’t harbour any lasting memories. : unlimited credit spending and : a gold-encrusted jumpsuit is ; rather offensive. It’s like trying : to find love in a pile of money. : designer brands, thinking that : expensive products, choose to : use that money for experiences : with friends and family, charities : for less fortunate, and your own : personal growth. That'll impress : me more than your stupid gold : watch. Now, I ain’t saying she’s a gold digger, I’m just saying she looks fine in H&M. We have become blinded by Instead of spending on