_- 5 oe : | COLLEGE LIBRARY ARCHIVES DOUGLAS NEW WESTMINSTER CAMPUS DRAFT POLICY: OFFICE ALLOCATIONS The New Westminster Campus is pleased to advise that for all full-time Faculty based on the New Westminster Campus, as well as full-time Temporary Faculty based on the New Westminster Campus, we are prepared to supply desk (office) facilities. For those Sessional Faculty who teach two sections or more on the New Westminster Campus, we are prepared to supply the use of a shared desk (office) facility with other Sessionals of the New Westminster Campus. . For further details of these facilities and campus needs, please contact Ken McCoy, New Westminster Campus Supervisor. BENEFIT PERFORMANCE A Benefit Performance in aid of the Vietnamese Boat People will be held at the Arts Club, 1181 Seymour Street, Vancouver, Sunday, September 23. Matinee - 3 p.m. Evening - 8 p.m. Price - $3.00 Free refreshments will be served after the performance COAD CANADA PUPPETS Tickets from Barry Leach, Surrey Campus READING AND STUDY SKILLS CENTRE SERVICES The Reading and Study Skills faculty offer a number of services you may wish to take advantage of or refer your students to. First, SD100: Reading Skills for College and SD110: Study Skills for College have now begun; there may still be some spaces if you know students who want to late register. We will be reminding you in mid-semester when sections will be starting again. Reading and Study Skills faculty may arrange to come to your classes to talk about any of the subjects included in our curriculum. If you would like to request a visit, please drop a note to Sandra Carpenter and she will contact you. We have handouts prepared on all relevant topics and would be happy to furnish you with a set upon request. NURSING DEPARTMENT NEWS Mary Fewster, Coordinator of Nursing Programs, is presently on an assign- ment for the World Health Organization in the Caribbean, where she is a curriculum consultant for schools of nursing. Mary is conducting a 2-week workshop on St. Lucia for instructors from 23 schools of Nursing in the Caribbean. Following this workshop, she will be working with the School of Nursing in Belise, South America. The primary focus of the curriculum workshops is to develop nursing programs that will prepare nurses to meet the Health Care Needs of people in their own community. The Mad Hatter is a D.C. Newsletter published weekly during the Spring and Fall semester. Deadline for submissions is Thurs. noon each week. for further information contact Melanie Falcon, Surrey Campus, Loc. 283. (This issue by Liz Glass)