issue 08 // volume 41 news // 5 Government funding targets youth employment » London, Ontario organizations granted roughly $1l-million to help young people get jobs NEARLY $1-MILLION IN SUPPORT FROM THE FEDERAL SKILLS LINK PROGRAM WILL AID ROUGHLY 135 LOCAL YOUTH FIND WORK. BROKEN DOWN IT'S: Amy O’Kruk The Gazette he federal government has granted almost $1-million in funding to three London, Ontario organizations that will use the money to create new employment opportunities for the city’s youth. Skills Link, the federal program responsible for the grant, is pledging more than $952,000 to be split between LEADS Employment Services, Youth Opportunities Unlimited, and Hutton House. The services will be using the money to equip young Londoners, especially those facing barriers to employment, work. Susan Truppe, London North-Centre MP, said a valuable asset the organizations are offering young job seekers is the chance to gain experience. “It’s very hard [for youth] to find a job and part of the : problem is, if you don’t have : experience, [employers] don’t : want you to get the job,” Truppe : : said. “You're in a catch-22.” Truppe added by : supporting young people : who face employment : obstacles, it gives these youth : the opportunity to enter : the workforce and become : independent young adults. Since 2006, the Skills : Link program has contributed : to over 179,000 youth across : Canada getting jobs or : returning to school. In London, : the funding will translate : into an estimated 135 young : people gaining employment or : schooling. LEADS is projected to help : 56 young individuals join the with the skills they need to find : workforce or return to school : by offering group-based skill : training and opportunities to : attain work experience. Youth : Opportunities Unlimited will : offer a similar program and : link 30 young people to jobs in : retail, food, and the hospitality : sector. : are! Hutton House will use the funds to support their work involving youth with : disabilities. The organization : will aid 49 young people in : overcoming social and physical : barriers to employment. : Hutton House’s Executive : Director, Marilyn Neufeld, : described how the program : operates. “The funding works so that : young people come in and they : have training opportunities, : they can take workshops on all : kinds of topics that relate to : becoming employed,” Neufeld : said. “From there, they go out : ona 12-week work experience : at a business. We try to match : each person individually to : what their employment goals ” Truppe said every dollar : spent on youth is a dollar well- : spent. “Youth are our future : and we have to do something to : get them jobsand ... help them, : especially the ones that really : don’t have a chance to move out : into the work force.” iv $225,740 +o LEADS Employment : Services, $352,431 +o Youth Opportunities Unlimited (YOU), and $373,659 to Hutton House. LEADS will provide experience and skill training to 56 youths. YOU will provide opportunities for 30 youths. Hutton House will help 4q youths who Face barriers to employment. Since 2006, the Skills Link program has helped over 179,000 youth across Canada get jobs or return to school. SS T — 7 CALL TODAY Northbank NEW WESTMINSTER | STUNNING VIEWS + SPACIOUS HOMES MOVE IN NOW 604.523.0081 NORTHBANK.CA *Developer reserves the right to make changes to the pricing, incentives and deposit structure without notice. This is not an offering for sale. Any such offering must be made with a disclosure statement. E.&O.E.. IMAC Marketing Solutions GET MORE WITH METRO VANCOUVER’S BEST VALUE. Ballenas PROJEGT MANAGEMENT MTL EL ea FROM $351,900" ELLIOT ST COLUMBIA STREET PRESENTATION CENTRE & 125 COLUMBIA STREET