October 15, 2003 From The Editor el I think I have taken the “if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all” notion too far. I am reaching my boiling point now. I have nothing nice to say so I never get to-say a thing. I think it is probably unhealthy to keep all this stuff bottled up. I wonder if you have to call ahead to book at room at Riverview? Oh what I wouldn't do to have three square meals a day, go for walks alone, have a psychiatrist at my beck and call, and be able to just write. I sense my demise just around the corner. It may come in the form of a house landing on me, possibly melting into a pool on the floor, or hopefully a much-needed break in my bedroom with the door locked. I love to work, I love school, I love my kid, I love my friends, and I love my family, but please—not all at once. The trou- ble is, when I have time off I end up doing something really lame and it turns out to just be a waste of time, money, and energy. Just this past weekend I was once again reminded to never mix and match friends. I went out with a bunch of different people and it was a disaster. I felt on edge the entire time because I didn’t think anyone was having a good time, and believe me, nobody was. I saw the looks on their faces when we hit the last place of the night. A place where everyone was at least 5-10 years younger than us. I felt the guilt. I couldn’t even look them in the eye anymore. I had done this. I just kept thinking, “Why am I here. And for the love of God, why did I drag any- one else here?” It was a sad state of affairs to say the least. I want to be a grownup now. I want to sit at home with my husband on a Saturday night and maybe invite some friends over for dinner and some wine. Possibly play some cards or board games. Truth be told, I have no hus- band. I haven't even had a boyfriend in 18 months. It’s hard to move on to the next level of your life when you are missing major players in the game. Where I am going to find someone who appreciates my sick obsession with Blue Rodeo, loves mood swings, and thinks single moth- ers should be praised and given awards? Where, I ask you. Okay, friends. Back to you. How was your Thanksgiving? Hopefully not as forlorn as mine. I must say that I really appreciate all the new contributors who have crawled out of their shells. I know there are more people out there who have things to say. Report the news, attend and report on a Douglas sports team, or give your opinion on a topic. Getting involved is the first step of the 12-step program that is The Other Press. Managing Editor, Kerry Evans e the other press © Contents 2 Mailbag News 4 Student Study—Making Ends Meet Survey 4 Volunteer Fair Update 4 Speech Contest Results 5 What's the Price of Knowledge? 6 Wanted: Volunteers Required by the New Westminster Police Georgia Straight Needs Student Action! Aleida Guevara-March: “Free the Cuban Five” Opinions 6 Laziness Shadows Redeeming Qualities 6 Whatcha Gonna Do When They Come for You? 6 Third Degree £ Right Hook ¥ Editorial Cartoon Page 8 8 An Indian Perspective on Canadian Life 8 Paparazzi 9 Choppy’s Book of Sin: The Game Culture 10 + What’s On Around Town 11 Fanboy’s Corner 14 Bright Eyes 14 New Spins 14 This Week in History 15 ~VIFF Picks 15 The Vancouver International Film Festival 16 Go See a Foreign Film 16 the 24 Hour Film Contest 17 ~~ Poetry/Fiction/Essays/etc. Features 18 One Family, Four Lives 20 A Chat with Joni Sports 21 From Russia With Money 21 Men’s Soccer Shakes Bad Monkey From Their Back 22 Douglas Brings Ugly Win Home From the Island 23 Pre-season Schedule Prepares Team for Reality but not TV 23 ~— Classifieds The Other Press Submission Guidelines The weekly deadline for submissions is Wednesday at noon for publication the following Wednesday. Letters to the Editor, vacant sections and “time sensi- tive” articles (weekend news or sports and cultural reviews) will be accepted until Saturday midnight and can be sub- mitted to the editor, Kerry Evans at: the_editor57@hotmail.com All other submissions should be for- warded to the appropriate section editor below. Please include your name, phone number/email address, and the word count, and submit via email as an MS Word.doc attachment to the attention of the appropriate editor. News Kelly Parry Opinions Kali Thurber Culture Amanda Aikman Features Barbara K. Adamski Sports Adam Gordon David Lam Munir Amlani Representative kelly-parry@telus.net opinionsubmit@hotmail.com submit_to_culture@yahoo.ca opfeatures@netscape.net dcsportseditor@yahoo.ca opstuff@amlani.ca http://www.otherpress.ca Page 3