February 25, 2004 From The Editor Recently a couple people pointed out to me that my editorials are less than upbeat, well to them I say, “shove it.” No, not really. Maybe it’s true. Maybe my state of mind has subconsciously, or consciously, crossed over into my writing. Maybe I should be writing some angst-ridden poetry. I'll admit this semester has had its ups and downs so far but why do I have to make that your problem? The answer is...I don’t but you can't stop me (insert evil laugh here). Over the weekend I re-watched the movie Sweet November and there is a scene where Keanu Reeves’ character is in a restaurant inter- viewing for a new marketing campaign or some- thing and the waitress comes over and spills the water. The man interviewing Reeves’ character says to the waitress something along the lines of, “What you do says something about you as a person. Your job is a waitress. All you have to do is bring things to the table without incident. If you can't even do that what does that say about you?” I found this, of course, appalling that he spoke to her that way but also it spoke to me. A lot of people aren't what they do but there is something to be said for the accuracy and enthu- siasm a person puts in to their job—whether they are serving up fries at McDonald's or edit- ing a student newspaper. This week’s issue is packed with articles, illus- trations, photographs, etc that people have put their heart and souls into. And I am here to say, good on ya. While we might not always be accu- rate and most of the time enthusiasm is some- thing we have only heard rumours about, we strive to be the best Douglas College paper out there. I mean sure we have no competition but why should that stop us from being on top? I would point you to a couple of articles that are just must-reads in this issue but I'll be honest with you—it’s all good stuff. Passionate opin- ions, well researched, humourous, informative, and entertaining—we have it all. There is something to be said for diversity in all its glory. There is something hopeful in the freedom of opinion and the elegance of how it is portrayed and interpreted. I had a dream I won one million dollars and while it didn’t buy me happiness, it did buy me time. Time to pursue all the fleeting dreams I have. It was a great Saturday afternoon nap dream but sadly I was awakened to the sound of the dryer crying its plea of completion. There is also something to be said for reality and how to live within its boundaries. Have a great week folks. Dream big but live even bigger! Managing Editor, Kerry Evans Contents e the other press © News Concordia U Student Runs for NDP Vision For Community-Based Governance New Canadian Tax Tips Marijuana Stocks and More! How Much Will You Need to Retire? Turn the TV Off Tonight Allergy Alert! Organic Chocolate The Snack that Smiles Back—Goldfish Criminal Justice Exploration Fair Fashion Show at The Bug Lab DAoouananwnrp Ps Opinions f Absurdity and the Consumer 7 Over the Rainbow ie Stolen Words z Paparazzi 8 Science Matters 8 Third Degree 9 Kicking Down the Door 9 Sneaking in the Back 10 Genocide in Our Own Backyard 10 The Only Good Indian is a Dead Indian, Judicially Speaking: The Bad Guys Win Again Wilson’s Section 12 Horoscopes 13 Photographic Culture 14 Around Town 14 This Week in Movie History 15 That's Entertainment 15 And the Oscar Goes to... 15 And the Oscar Doesn't Go to... 16 Johnny Depp: Pirate Unparalleled 16 Zastrozzi, The Master of Discipline WZ Fanboy’s Corner Features 18 Right Meets Left: JJ Sits Down With Svend Robinson 19 On Conquering Fear—Or Not Sports 20 UCC Spam Demons Pay an Unkind Visit to the Lion’s Den 20 World Cup Soccer for Kids 21 The Empires Strikes Back 22 Women’s Only Golf Workshops 22 Blues Take It on the Nose for the Second Week 22 Flash’s Weekly Five Fitness Tips 22 Royals Find Gold in the Desert! 22 Bollocks 22 BCCAA Weekend Scoreboard 22 Canucks Corner Classifieds 23 The weekly deadline for submissions is Wednesday for publication the following Wednesday. Letters to the Editor, vacant sections, and “time sensitive” articles (week- end news, sports, and cultural reviews) will be accepted until Saturday noon and can be submitted to the editor at: the_editor57@hotmail.com. The Other Press Submission Guidelines News | All other submissions should be forwarded to the | Opinions appropriate section editor. Please include your name, Culture phone number/email address, the word count, and submit | Reuores via email as an MS Word.doc attachment to the | : : ‘ Sports attention of the appropriate editor. David Lam Representative Kelly Parry: kelly-parry@telus.net Kali Thurber: opinionsubmit@hotmail.com Amanda Aikman: submit_to_culture@yahoo.ca Barbara K. Adamski: featureseditor@otherpress.ca Adam Gordon: desportseditor@yahoo.ca Kim Meier: nocontrolling@hotmail.com http://www.otherpress.ca e Page 3