INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / OCTOBER 3, 1989 Applying for Educational Leave Faculty who wish to make ap- plication for educational leave are encouraged to read carefully the at- tached documents before making their applications: - Guidelines for Applicants for Educational Leave - Guidelines for Adjudication of Applications - Guidelines for Reporting on Educational Leave - W.L. Day’s memo of September 12, 1989 outlining the College’s objectives (as contained in the 5-Year Plan) To submit an application, facul- ty need to complete the application at the end and provide written responses to the series of questions printed on the reverse side of the form. These responses should be typed on separate paper and should not exceed a total of three Pages. The completed application form and the responses (together with any appropriate documenta- tion) should be received by Al At- kinson no later than December 1 1989. Al Atkinson GUIDELINES FOR APPLICANTS FOR EDUCATIONAL LEAVE These guidelines have been prepared by the Educational Leave Committee to assist faculty in the submission of applications. The Purpose of Educational Leave Educational leave is available for regular faculty members to receive periods of either four months’ leave or one year’s leave from normal college duties. There are several conditions laid-out in Article 12 of the Collective Agree- ment. The leave must be deemed to develop the faculty member's professional competencies and thus be of benefit both to the faculty member and the College and its community. A wide variety of ac- tivities are acceptable (see Article 12:02), and an application for leave can propose a series of different ac- tivities, providing a rationale is of- fered for each one. The activities do not necessarily need to be direct- ly related to a faculty member's cur- rent duties or responsibilities so long as suitable benefit to the Col- lege is established. Both experien- tial and educational pursuits are acceptable. Whether or not a de- gree is being sought, the relevance to the development of the in- dividual, the College, and the com- munity is of primary importance to the Committee. The Application Process The deadline for submitting ap- plications is December Ist each year (but see Article 12.17 also). Applications are checked initially by the Personnel Office in order to ensure eligibility. Then, during December, the Educational Leave Committee reviews each applicant's request before conduct- ing interviews (usually in January or early February). Following the interviews, the Committee ascer- tains whether each application has sufficient merit to be recommended for acceptance or not and then rank orders the recommended applica- tions. A final report is written and forwarded (before February 28th) to the College President who makes the final decision. The Presi- dent communicates by memoran- dum to applicants shortly after- wards (before March 15). Submitting an Application Official applications forms are available from the responsible Dean. Applicants are required to com- plete the official application form and on separate paper to submit brief typewritten responses to the following questions: (these respon- ses should not exceed three typed pages in total). 1. Provide a brief summary of your proposal for educational leave. 2. What are the benefits to that this leave would offer? 3. What are the benefits to the College that this leave would offer? 4. Provide the Committee with a rationale for the time-lines involved in your proposal. For example: - time necessary for preparation? - time needed to pursue your proposed activities? - time required for other related activities? The purpose of these questions is to permit the applicant to describe and justify the proposal. Applicants should specify in detail the proposed activities, objectives, locations, dates and timelines. When questions cannot be fully answered due to lack of informa- tion at the time of application, this should be stated along with indica- tions of when and how the details will become available. Applicants should pay particular attention to presenting the Committee with a clear and well-articulated proposal. If the proposed leave is for educational purposes, include continued on page 9 8