Like the song says, it’s a long, long while from May to December. Of course, right now it seems like a long time from May to mid-June for all the temporarily single people suffering through hours of hockey nightly during the Stanley Cup playoffs. The INside Zone strongly recommends three options for you at this time: become a hockey fan; become a hockey fan; or, become a hockey fan. Despite what the federal politicians say, it’s the only thing that truly binds Canada together. The two official languages would speak together loadest if Toronto met Montreal in the Cup final; the Zone suspects that would do more for national unity than any old Accord. If you need a break ...check out the latest on your college colleagues. Au revoir, Attwood... After 14 years at Douglas College, the PIO’s Marilyn Attwood, (above) is leay- ing. Marilyn has been away from the College on LTD since late last year, and has now decided to officially leave on May 1. Marilyn, with her amazing techni- color wardrobe, plans to keep busy with her own business dealing - possibly inte- rior decorating. We'll miss you, Marilyn. Baby times three... A number of faculty will be celebrating new additions to the family later in 1993, including two in Therapeutic Recreation. Expecting are Janice Spencer and Sonia, wife of Dan McDonald. Also awaiting is Phys Ed’s Gert Van Niek- erk’s wife, Kathleen. Fatima in fashion... There was a strong Douglas College flavor at the fifth annual fund-raising fashion show at Coquitlam’s Our Lady of Fatima School on April 19. The Bookstore’s Nicole Chabot shifted from last year’s role as model to working on the organiz- ing committee, Rita Marchioro of Student Services took a turn as a model and the show’s supurb lighting was arranged by Rob Anderson son of the Bookstore’s June. Rest up, Heather... Heather Campbell of Instructional Me- dia Services wants to remind people that she is currently away from the College on long-term disability. If you call her at home to arrange a photo shoot, she won’t be able to oblige you. Getting it right... Correcting an error in the April issue of the INside Zone, Evelyn Terada’s new position is not with the Registrar’s Office. She has moved to the position of Assis- tant Registration Clerk, but remains with Community Programs & Services. Our apologies! PD day coming up... A reminder from Christine Unterthiner, one of the day’s organizers, to circle Tuesday, May 18 on your calendar as the upcoming BCGEU Professional Develop- ment Day. Employees will soon receive a full schedule of the day’s events. Mae’s at the table... DVST instructor Mae Burrows has been appointed to sit on the B.C. Round Table of the Environment and Economy. ZENE a Staff moves... The Bookstore’s Dean Jansen will move up- stairs to Accounting to temporarily replace Melody Ezart during her maternity leave. Send-off for Eugene... Everyone is invited to drop by the Douglas Room on May 7 from 2-3:30pm for a going-away get together for Eugene Hrushowy. Eugene left his Faculty Devel- opment position at the beginning of this year and is now living in Comox. & Briefs continued from page 3 @® Library Orientation Summer 1993 All instructors are invited to bring their classes to the library for orientation. Booking forms have been distributed through departmental assistants, or book, ings can be made through Susan rlemin@ at local 5198. The session takes one hour, and consists of a short introduction to the library, and completion of a self-paced assignment by the students. If you have questions or special requests, contact Helen Rowan at local 5189. @® Electronic database training for all College employees Were you too busy to make it to an 1lam training session on the Library’s elec- tronic databases? Now is the time to arrange your own individual, personal- ized training session. Call Helen Rowan at local 5184 to book a time. The session will cover Internet, gopher, the CARL Uncover journal citation and document delivery system, connections to UBC, SFU and UVIC and all public librar- ies, shareware software, full text te) newspapers on CD ROM, and more. They can even show you how to find just an or- dinary book. a