WOMEN IN A CHANGING WORLD © Important changes are occurring in contemporary society regacding traditional attitudes affecting the role of women in society. These chances are apparent in a wide spectrum of activities, ranging from a resurgence of women’s movements and expanding studies of women's problems, to more individual searchings about personal roles, values, aliena- tion, and fulfilment. The Adult Education Division of the Surrey School Board, and Douglas College, in co-operation with the Surrey iarks & Recreation Commission and Surrey community organiz- ations, are ce-sponsoriin; a one-day Workshcojy for Women, open to men and women, to provide discussion and practical :>formation about Opportunities for self-fulfilment in three | areas cf interest: work, elication, and volunteerism. ‘New directions for women at home ' will be featured. Time a Place: Wed., “ov. “8, 1973, at Centennial Arts Centre (fear Creek Fark), 12750-85 Avenue, surrey (just off king George Highway). Tne fee is $l. Please briny a baz lunch; coffee and treats will be provided. Sheer enreaeaeeerarenen j i tH SRY PROGRAM . wally In the chair: Lillian Zimmerman, Douglas College MORNING AFTERNOON 9:30 - Registration 22:00 - Lunch 10:00 - Keynote Address: 1:00 - EXPOSITION and SHOP-IN THE HON. EILEEN DAILLY A chance to “shop around," visit Minister of Education and ask questicns at booths staffed Victoria, B.C. by personnel and counsellors from 10:45 - THREE PERSPECTIVrS: volunteer groups, universities, EDUCATION AS ENRIGIMENT continuing education, community LOLITA WILSON — colleges, Surrey School Board, Assistant to Vice-bresident vocational and technical institutes, Academic, Simon Fraser University and Canada Manpower NEW VISTAS FOK VOLUNTEERS BETTY McCLUR3 Surrey Co-ordinating Centre WOMEN AND WORK ALICE JAMES . Pres., Vancouver Status of Women 2:30 - Conclusion (Also, see below) 2:00 - SUCCESS STORIES: Four Profiles Questions and Discussion SRHEREREARARERATCRARRRAAAHRER Special Feature! Di0P-IN and SHOF-IN: To accommodate people who work, the Fxposition will be open trom 7: 30-9 P-m., Same date, same place, same booths, same personnel and counsellors. Wo charue! Coffee available! Hosts: Surrey Co-ordinating Centre Informality! Lots of discussion and DATE: November 28, 1973 exchange of ideas! Meet others and share TIME: 9:30-2:30 p.m. experiences and expectations. Find out PLACE: Centennial Arts Centre about opportunities for women in Surrey, 13750~-88 Avenue, Surrey White Rock, and Surroundiny ereas. EVENING SHOP-IN: 7:30-9 p.m. For anformation, phone bouqdlas Co!leae, “88-4411, or call 588-638) Pre-rejistration is advised PLEASE NOTE: Special baby-sitting arrangements can be made for a limited number of children aqed 3 to 6 on a first-come, first-served basis. This will be located at Our Lady «f Good Counsel Church, 10460-139 St., Surrey. Phone 536-6718 no later tnan November 21 as accommodation cannot be made at the door fer children who have not been pre-reyistered. NAME: (Please Print) ADDRESS: DATE : Mail cheque for $1 for each registration (payable to Douglas College), together with this form, to: WOMEN IN A CHANGING WORLD c/o Mary Jane Shannon Community School 14577 - 106A Avenue SURREY, B.C. :