T =" The Other Press wr x page three by Greg Heakes The recent controversy surrounding the bleak stu- dent housing situation in universities and colleges - across Canada shows the blatant ignorance of our Provincial and Federal Gov- ernment to provide it’s tax- paying students with ade- quate services that the insti- tuions themselves cannot al- ways provide. In what has been termed the worst housing problem in the last decade the Governments have neglect- ed to help such established schools like U.B.C., who had to refuse over 2,500 students housing, S.F.U. who’s 1,00 homeless students ended up sleeping on bare mattresses, makeshift tents, and even tree forts on Burnaby Mountain. Even the Uni- versity of Vicoria and BCIT bellow the same distree call. This is not strickly a west- ern problem as homeless students at the U of Water- loo have turned to such drastic measures as organ- izing a lottery to fight for only a few avaliable beds. The situation has reached that Steve Shallhorn of the B.C. Students Federation claimes that many students have-_not been able to return to school this year because ' there is no where to live. Talk about justice and a free country! Fingers have been pointed across Canada at both Governments as well as _ slowdowns in housing and residents who are relucatant to take students into their homes. It’s understandle that a lot of families have enough problems coping with inflat- ion and a housefull of kids let alone extra students to worry about, but where is our government when we need them the most. These housing problems are not by Rob Guzyk Three delegates of The Other Press were among twelve Western Region Canadian University Press (WRCUP) members present at the summer regional held August 2 - 4 in Kelowna this summer. The not-so-surprised dele- gates were officially inform- ed by CUP president Michael Balagus that the Youthstream contract neg- otiated and approved by the membership at CUP 42 in Toronto is void. Youthstream, also referred to in kinder circles as the Campus Network, supplies CUP papers with national ads which help finance stu- dent newspapers across Canada. t WRCUP delegates unanimously passed a mot- ion that the National Exect- ive explore all national ad- vertising possibilities that would serre [UP papers Housing situation bleak such gradiose proportions minor isolated incidents in small corners of the provin- ces but a nationwide thorn in the side of almost every post secondary institution. Students are being shafted by the government on the most basic need of life; a roof over their head. Pople like Pat McGeer,of the Social Credit Party, illu- strate the ignorant attitude that high party members show towards the young people of Canada by stating that housing’’is no respon- sibility’’ of theirs. The individual colleges and universities cannot be ex- pected to carry the burden on their own because to deplete the budget to com- pensate for the lack of housing would take away the quality of education that Canadian students have a right to. Until our elected members of the Provincial and Federal governments get off their bar stools and take immed- iate action against this housing crisis we as_ stu- dents are going to find it harder and harder in the future to get an adequate education. Douglas College students are also running into the same problems where their housing organizers have met with sympathetic hearts but progress is being made ata snails pace. Our government is willing to spend billions of dollars to tunnell to Vancouver Island but when it comes to student housing our cries fall upon deaf ears. Before there is any action by the government the stu- dents have to let their voices and opinions be heard, not from a small canvassing party, but from each and every individual who is fed up with the housing crisis and wants to see something constructively done about it. CUP runneths over exclusively. Western region members of CUP also voted to reject any two party contract bet- ween Youthstream and the individual papers or student councils Two new members have joined CUP since last spr- ing, the Goliard, formerly the Udulant Fever, formerly The Catalyst of Okanagan College and the Fulcrum of the University of Ottawa. Dan Hilborn of The Other Press and Julie Wheelwright of The Ubyssey were elected as a team for the position of Human Rights Co-ordinator in the Western region. For- mer CUP bureau chief Bill Tieleman was elected as Members Board rep. for WRCUP. Nancy Campbell of The Courier/Ubyssey was con- firmed as WRCUP president until the next western re- gional conference to be held October 4 - 6 in Edmonton. Question:Why did you decide to enroll in Douglas College? Mark DeCamallis: Douglas College was the only choice | in my opinion. It has the teacher/student ratio most condusive to learning, and the price is right. Peter Dombovary: I chose Douglas College because of the lower cost as compared to other institutions, its pro- ximity to my home, and because the college offers the courses in which I have an interest. , Andrea Sebi: 1 felt that Douglas College was a good place to go because it will help me get a better idea of what I want to go in for. The price is right and its close to home. I came to Diana Bligh: Douglas College because the college is small and _ in- expensive. : iouslyexclaimedRobGuzyk. “I will get some pictures !’’ fervently exclaimed Bill Lingenfelter. “‘AndIcanhelphim!’’Guy beamed happily. *“We will make some hard hitting cartoons chorused Pat Worthington and Ron ‘‘Ah ha,’’ cried Dan Hil- Loveless leaping to their born fervently. ‘‘We are feet. being ripped off!’’ “‘And we willfind out the ‘*Call our working staff,’’ facts,’’ cried Sandra Fox, yelled Tom Schoenewolf. Yolande Volpatti and ‘‘oh,fellows!!’’calledGreg Georgina Tonks enthusiast- Heakes cheerfully. ically. “‘Yes?’’chorusedthe hard ‘‘And we hall help,’’ working staff. squealedPeterHealy, Maria ‘‘Yes,whatisit?”’ quaried DawsonandJulieValentiex. Lesli Pardely, our volump- $$ Ohcutthis shit Dan, who tious femme reporter. cares if the rum is only 39 “‘Oh yes, please what?’’ percent alcohol instead of encouraged ourequally vol- 40percent. Pick W orthing- uptious typesetter Andrea tonoffthefloorandlet’sgo © Lloyd. —home. ‘‘A consumer ripoff!’’ rit- Amen!! Perspective