information sessions, Researcher | For the British Columbia Student Federation - JOB DESCRIPTION 1) To co-ordinate research conducted by the Federation. 2) To conduct research on priority items of the Federat- ion; this research to be of both the in-depth ‘academic’ type and the on-the-spot type, whichever is most appropriate to the subject matter. 3) To analyze research with the goal of providing recommend- ations to the executive on what should be done with and about said research. 4) To take direction from the B.C.S.F. Executive as a whole. 5) To act as resource person at execu- tive meetings, conferences, etc 6) Where appropriate to sub- mit articles to the B.C. Stu- dent, the newsletter and other publications. 7) To decide in co-operation with other staff members on the attendance at such meet- ings as are necessary to the effective performance of the job. 8) To work collectively with other B.C.S.F. staff. 9) To speak on behalf of the Federation where appropriate. APPLICATIONS SHOULD IN- CLUDE 1) a resume; 2) an example of research done; AND SHOULD BE SUBMIT- TED TO THE BCSF OFFICE AT 2055 Purcell Way, North Vancouver, B.C. EMPLOYMENT TO COM- MENCE IMMEDIATELY! r =~ CHALLENGES, I WAS ALWAYS INDECISIVE. JUST - CHOOSING A WAY’ TO WALK HOME USED TO SUDDENLY A WHOLE NEW WORLD OPENEP UP FOR WE. A CHANCE FOR A GREAT CAREER TRAVEL, EXCITEMENT, GOOD PAY’, THERE ARE POSSIBILITIES. ~ IBILITIES. Sy (A THEN I DISCOVERED R.1.A. MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING. YOU KNOW, I THINK TM GOING To MISS BEING INDECISIVE. a ro) The R.I.A. Management Ac- counting study program equips you with a broad and compre- hensive management/account- ing base. It’s a solid foundation for an exciting future ... and possibly, just the career you're looking for. Study at school. Or at home. Either way, the R.I.A. program is decidedly in your favour. A realistic exemption policy as- sures you of credits for equiv- alent courses you have completed. For further informa- tion, contact the Society of Industrial Accountants of B.C., Suite 401-750-West Pender Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6C 277. Telephone 687-5891. lids