; Every weék the OP's resident sex experts and happily divorced couple answer your questions. Tf you want to SEXY SEX WITH DR, SEX Dr. Steven Sex & Dr. Marilyn Fairchild have a question answered by our sexperts, send an email to dr.steven.sex{@gmail.com. You can keep your . name confidential in fact, for legal reasons, wed prefer it that way. Dear Dr S, Lately I’ve been having trouble with my girlfriend because, according to her, I can’t last a long. Are there any ways to prolong the fun? (Dr Sex: Dr S: Classifieds Sincerely, Think I Have Erectile Dysfunction. Well, dear 'T.1.H.E.D, there are many items you may purchase through LOVEEROTIC.Com or even the trusty ol’ Ebay that will keep your i py happy. Don’t be discouraged, these problems happen to many men.. Especially to certain doctor’s who don’t know how to make a woman happy. In order to keep a period of prolonged sexual engagement excit- : ing, you must be able to set a mood, making your woman happy doesn’t _ always include defrosting your freezer, there are many things a woman ~ would like to preheat-her special oven. My colleague Dr. F, is not an expert in sexual practice, please disregard her and listen to my sound advice. What you need to do is find the kinki- est stuff and just get in there before hand and then afterwards to show Dr. F: Dr S: Dr. F: De S$: 1 divorced you. your special lady the time of her life. You'll last longer the second time around. Involve your partner perhaps, let it be mutual. Just go for it, but try thinking of something other than her. Like when you thought about your new secretary? No, that was fun, that doesn’t prolong, that heightens. T.1.H.E.D, you should think about someone who will make you not want to blow your cool, like someone dead, perhaps your grandma. Oh, you’re perverse. You married me. « | ede that’s enough for this week. Keep those freezers defeosed until next time.. Students advertise for free! For free student classifieds up to 30 simcoe 00.ca wi ur e, student number, and ypu section, and put-“classified” in the subject line. ast Cash Ads: 3 lines, 3 times for $15 (30 words max). Open rate of $5 per line. Enquiries: call our vertising manager at lukesimcoe@yahoo.ca. ictures sified pictures are $10 each rinting. The picture size is 3.5cm x 5em, black and white. en placing an ad please remem- cr. ads must be received by ursday to be published in the ollowing Wednesday’s paper. heck your ad for errors and please all or email our offices to report y corrections. To ensure the tegrity of our student newspaper, reserve the right to revise, eclassify, edit, or refuse your ad. For Sale Two 128MB Memory Modules 184PIN DDR PC2100 DIMM With original packages. A Steal at $45! E-Mail me at email@scottelliott.com. 1980 Honda CB650 parts, $5 and up. Email redcoat1812@hotmail.com. Accessories Pack for any cellular phone for $40. Package includes battery, screen protector, desk- top charger, car charger, and leather case. Items retail for $60 if purchased seperately! Brand New. If interested, please call Andre at 778.883.6805. Herbal products to improve your health. Choose an alternative to conventional medicine. Safe and easy to use. Contact Alex at natural_cures@hotmail.com or 604.589.8728. HP 722C printer, new colour ink cartridge $75. Epson colour 800 printer, 2 new black ink car- tridges $60. Can see both operating. 778 --885 - 5476 Services Tutor/Proofreader (Ph.D) $25/hour for essays, _thesis, etc. 604.837.1016 ot editor888@hotmail.com. Professional tutor, writing coach, and editor can help with English 130, 106, 112, and 109; also Business Communications, reports, letters, and résumés. Quality guaranteed. The Writer’s Touch, www.writerstouch.net 604.437.6069. Vancouver Support group for stutterers. Every alternate Friday, 7-9pm. Room 4310, New West campus. For more info, contact Mary Rose Labandelo: 604.526.1735. Wanted OPTions for Sexual Health (formerly Planned - Parenthood) is looking for volunteers to assist on the Facts of Life Line, a toll-free, confiden- tial, sexual health information and referral resource line. Call 604.731.4552 ext. 224, or visit www.optionsforsexualhealth.com. Submit Classifeds to classifieds at editor.otherpress@gmail.com AVID HALO 2 PLAYER. Need to have Halo2 game and XBOX Live. Please contact by email. Jamie Campbell. Jamie Campbell12345@hotmail.com. WATER POLO Players Wanted Students interested in participating in Intramural/Varsity Douglas Water Polo call: (604)777-6029(ext:# 3) or email:sessionpolo@yahoo.ca for more information. Come live Free and Easy in Thailand for 40 days! www.freeandeasy.ca 19