i é 5 . a s - = $ ne of the world’s premiere guitarists will : perform at Douglas “ge” College on February 14. Norbert Kraft is a Canadian classical guitarist with an international reputation. His list of musical accomplishments would make any musician proud. He appears regularly with major symphonies throughout North America, and has won critical acclaim in major music publications. Kraft’s performance at Douglas College in the Scholarship Benefit Concert will include pieces by Paganini, Villa Lobos, Tarrega and Albeniz. “It’s a solid, rich and varied program of things as that I have been playing for a long time. These are pieces that demonstrate the guitar very well,” says Kraft. He’s spent long periods of time in the recording studio over the past few months, and is looking forward to playing on the West Coast. In addition to recording the entire works of Heitor Villa-Lobos, he’s putting together a completed collection of virtually all of the mainstream guitar repertoire. Some of that work includes material that’s new to him. Kraft says that it can take two years to get a piece ready to play in a performance. “T’ve played pieces in concert that have only been in my grasp for a few weeks but it can be uncomfortable. After touring with a piece I feel better about taking it into the concert hall.” of the world’s finest guitarists tres college scholarship concert World-renowned Canadian classical guitarist Norbert Kraft appears at Douglas College on February 14. Kraft was born in Austria but grew up in Toronto and is based near there. A professor at the University of Toronto and the Royal Conservatory of Music, he was the first North American to win the top prize at the 1985 Segovia International Competition in Mallorca, Spain. He has played with the Vancouver Symphony Hot Orchestra and Victoria Symphony Orchestra. The Scholarship Benefit Concert takes place Tuesday, February 14 at 8pm in the Performing Arts Theatre at Douglas College. Tickets are $15, or $10 for students and seniors. Call 527-5495 for information. ff