MAD HATTER PAGE 5 ‘ Hy Net heme (LL LLEGE | ARCHIVES EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Kwantlen College requires a Mathematics Instructor. Closing date July 10, 1982. For further details, please see the posting on the Personnel Posting Okanagan College requires a librarian in the position ot Head of Acquisitions & Technical Services. QUALIFICATIONS: Graduate Degree fran a school of library science with four years related experience. M.L.S. pre- ferred. STARTING DATE: August 15, 1982 CLOSING DATE: July 15, 1982 Please send resume and application to: Personnel Officer, Okanagan College, 1000 K.L.O. Road, Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 4x8. The Emily Carr College of Art requires a Graphic Design Instructor, full-time, for general graphic design courses and workshops fram Foundation to fourth year. Professional recognition and previous teaching experience is essential. Application deadline July 5, 1982. Resume including statements of profes- sional and educational philosophy are required to be sent with slides and samples of work to: Dean of Instruction, Emily Carr College of Art and Design, 1399 Johnston St., Granville Island, Vancouver, B.C. V6H 3R9. Northwest Cammunity College requires an Adult Basic Education Program Co- ordinator. The coordinator works with the regional area coordinators and re- ports to the director of the Vocational & Trades Training Division. Closing Date: July 16, 1982; position to commence as soon as possible there- after. Please send applications to: Mr. Fred Wilson, Director, Vocational & Trades Training, Northwest Comunity College, P.O. Box 726, Terrace, B.C. V8G 4C2. For further information, please contact the current program coordinator of A.B.E., Mr. Ian Stanley, at 635-6511, local 278.