* nthe face of a devastating election and the worldwide ripe of neo-facoism and alt-right movements, something imorediole happened over the weekend: A global show of solidarity, or something like it. All that frustration, fear, and hopeless tne@cs, Pours out ina lowed ared jubilant protest thet overshadowed Friday's presidential inauguration, It wee far from perfeot, but oy God, wes it ever gomething, and Vanoouver showed wp for the party. In faot, Wencouver showed wp for the party ina major wey. Saturday Morning | first heard about Vancouver's “Vomen’s March on Weohington” from my sister, who saw the invite on Facebook. When | perused the Facebook event myself, laew thet there were 3,000 confirmed attendees, and 2000 who were interested, Varcouver promptly blew these figures out of the water. twee imposible to really comprehend the size of the orowd in and sround Jack Poole Plaze Seturday morning. I'd arrived early with my sister to meet up with repregentatives from the LATSE Union for film and television production, so we were directly in the middle of all of the hulobub, surrounded by a cee of pink hate and protest signe. The last time I'd geen anything like thic wae in February 2003, when Vanoouver marched with the reat of the woeld to protest the war im Iraq. | was eight yeers old when | took part in that partioular protect, with alimited gragp on exectly what it wee | was marching for. Saturday, | lone why | wee there. The night of Donald Trump's election, | reorived mesceges from several friends of mine living in the stetes—triends who were largely women, many of whom were queer like me, mentally ill like me, and the most common thing | heed from teem thet night was how alone they felt. How they felt like they were going insane, losing their country to an ideology that supports xenophobia, mimogyny, homophobia, and straight-up reciom.All | could do thet night te comfort them was to aggure them thet they weren't alone, end thet the world wee wetching—theat eo many of ue were on their side. Saturday, | felt | vee largely marching for them. The soeskers before the march made a point of placing the prominent issues facing Canadian women at the forefront: epecifically, the troubles faced by indigenowe women in Canads. it was a sobering reminder that Canadians are mot eo far removed from our American neighbours. There is a tendency, | think, for thoee of ue lucky enough te live north of the border to feel a kind of superiority when looking at the troubling events oocurring im the United States. The cosskers reminded the protestors that we weren't just marching against Tremp, but forthe bettering of the lives of women and oporecosd people worldwide. — E- a Cr ‘ su: ’ i = =e a — ? “Ny Bo \ Lc! Finally, the march began. ft begen slowly, meyoe a litth: wnoertainly—l don't think anyone wee anticipating the sheer volume of attendees crowding the otreeeta, with 4 amall marching band guiding the fow of protestors near the front of the onowd, and 4 line of ind iQenous drummers somewhere cloeer to the beck. Vencouverites mot participating in the merch seemed largely supportive. Soeotstors wetohed the marah from cidewalke and cote shops, or weved down from apartment buildings as we made our wey to Georgia street, then down towards our target destination: Trump Tower. Security at the tower, ungurprisingly, was dialled up to face off againet the throng of peacetul protestors Pacing by. Construction workers on-site took gelfies with the crowd ag merahers booed at the sight of the building, raicing fists aed signe and voices to denounce everything the tower gtends for, and the man whose mame ig apelt in enormous chrome letters aoroge the front. The march oondluded where it began, back at the plaza, where music and empowering speeches awaited the protestors. | remember fesling intensely eeticofed as | looked at the crowd around me, and as | sorolled thraugh Twitter on my phone seeing pictures from protests sround the world, and | thought: "Here, we've dons something thet can't poosibly be ignored.” =L a aS <=. L 4 | Tr ba i ft 1 (WA eee Mi