issue 15 // volume 42 Comic Corner: Classic hero gets a heroine makeover » ‘Thor Vol. 1: Goddess of Thunder’ review Brittney MacDonald Life & Style Editor OOOOS hen images of the new Thor hit the Internet, everyone was in a tizzy—not be- would be getting a new series, but : unconventional in that it doesn’t because Thor was now miracu- lously a woman. That’s right folks, : appears a lot sketchier, but I someone new has taken up the hammer, and she has lady parts. Written by Jason Aaron, Thor: Goddess of Thunder makes it very clear that the new Thor is not just a simple feminine toss-away; she’s here to stay. This isn’t the first time that Marvel has replaced a prominent male Marvel’s second incarnation was Police Lieutenant Monica Rambeau way back in 1989. I have mixed feelings about : the actual plot of Thor, since : unfortunately it is slightly predictable. Where this book shines is in its dialogue and situational humor. This comic was actually a lot funnier : than I expected it to be. The art by Russell : Dauterman and Jorge Molina cause the much beloved character : is pretty excellent. It is slightly : rely on solid lines and instead : think that the effect works to the : book’s benefit. The colourization : on the lighting effects can bea : little much at times, but overall : the art in Thor: Goddess of : Thunder is worth a look-see. Allin all, Thor: Goddess of : Thunder has its issues, but it’s : also pretty exemplary ina lot character with a woman—Captain : of ways, so P’ma little torn on : the recommendation. I would : say definitely pick it up if you're : looking for some good one-liners. —— a a G a yu v 2 3 w 5A v a a 3 a > _ 2 eB 4 <= Benjamin Howard Columnist arts // no. 9