WORD ON THE STREET — BY ANGEL DESJARLAIS “What do you think of the DSU’s “This doesn’t really affect me, since | can't control the fees anyway. | have no choice but to pay them, but they should be doing what they’re sup- posed to with our money.” AYE: Lt MARY CrSTel tors “The whole scandal is unfortunate. It doesn’t make the DSU or Douglas College look good. Hopefully they’ll be able to fig- ure something out and introduce pre- ventative measures so this kind of thing doesn’t happen again.” “Receivership is an appropriate course of action given the uncertain history of the DSU. It’s for their benefit as well as ours.” Se Pamela. 1° year Print Futures Program “This scandal is insane! Receivership is a good idea and will straighten things out. | hope things will get better for them and us. For now, I'm glad they've released some of the funds.” Danielle - 2" year Associate of Arts VS a ee ea LL BCAA has a membership designed especially for you. And who better to design and name our new membership card than the people it was made for? One lucky winner will receive $1000 cash and the opportunity to have their work produced. Right now it’s called the Junior Membership, but we think you can do better. We’re willing to put money on it. Contest runs from January 15 — June 30, 2007 (No purchase necessary) For more information click: bcaa.com/designcontest BOO RELAX. WE’VE GOT IT COVERED. 4 @ THE OTHER PRESS JANUARY 25 2007