‘Bird. By Jay Schreiber, Arts Editor verything is for sale; enough Hes can control the media —d and sometimes, investments in products are taken too far. The most recent development in relation to this is Kid Rock’s new line of beer called American Badass. In the world of glitz and glamour, once someone is famous it’s mandatory to exploit the hell out of them ‘til kingdom come. That’s exactly why Brittney Spears has a Kid Rock, however, has dived into a market that remains relatively untapped (pun intended) by celebrity folk. Beer. That wonderful golden substance, the nectar of the gods and intoxicator of men. Kid Rock will either be drinking his way to the bank or doing cost recovery at the bottle depot. You may have heard the Kid’s hit song “American Bad Ass” or seen it on TV (it usually accompanies movie trailers where a lot of shit blows up) and in this case, it’s the inspiration for his liquid expenditure. The song, which came out a decade ago, is more or less 4 minutes of “I’m awesome” with some audible elements; much like Kid’s career. So who in their right mind would by a piss-water-esque beer that advertises its taste as bad American ass? I know for sure that I won’t touch the stuff, but I’m interested in how it’s going to be marketed. Beer companies spend lots of money on advertising, and American Badass has a lot of competition if they want to appear anywhere on the radar. Based solely on commercial effort, I would drink Molson Canadian. The commercials are more pro-Canada than the Stephan Harper agenda, and it makes me feel good to be north of the 49" parallel. However, I do know that Molson is poorly made and is owned by an American new scent company, so every year, eae oth ec ; I never touch and Lindsay Kid Rock will either be drinking his way to the bank, or jhe stuff. Lohan's doing cost recovery at the bottle depot!.” The handbags are Mexican a perfect size beers have a to fit her BFF into. pretty good pitch going, Corona is all about the lazy summer day and Dos Equis has the world’s most interesting man on their side. How can you say no to a guy who gazes seductively into the camera lens and requires of you to “Stay thirsty, my friend?” , This could be a personal bias but every time I hear Carl Orff’s “Carmina Burana” performed while a Rickard’s is being poured fresh out of the tap, a little shiver goes down my spine. Extremely false advertising however because every time I order a Richards, all I get is the bill! If I were feeling arrogant, then Stella Artois is the only way to go. While peaceful, the Belgian people don’t have much going for them other than Stella and chocolate, but when a barrel of beer puts a dent in my Mercedes, you’re freakin’ paying for it! Some of the best brewed What could be worse than American Badass? beer ever, I still wouldn’t have a problem throwing it on a pile of flaming money, after all, money can buy more Stella. Duh! . So how about that American Badass? I can just picture the advertisements now. A fat American with a wife beater and red white and blue do-rag comes clunking out of Taco Bell in slow motion with the Kid’s ten-year-old hit song blasting in the background. Cut to a picture of Uncle Sam pointing at you with a beer in his hands and the catchphrase, “If you don’t drink this beer, then you’re a terrorist!” Oh, the America media, how free it really is... Since that’s only one of about four hit songs that Kid Rock has ever had, it’s not the first time that he’s tried to hang on to fame longer than his stay was welcome. His last hit he hardly even wrote—it was only a mashup of two popular songs from the “70s that I had almost forgotten. Thanks, Kid! So remember, Drink Badass beer if you’re a freedom luvin’, gas guzzlin’ right winger whose neck is redder than the communist flag. I’m interested in seeing how well the sales for American Badass will do in Canada—it might just be one step closer to them invading. CG C BiG 4 G G G C, 4 C G 6 Z G ‘A fi Ci Ba Cele, O} 76, AO ow R mroley4 ele 604 O5424