page 2 | THE OTHER PRESS - November 30th, 1984 Columbia Books & Novelty Smoke Shop Kee B Receive 1O%off any item inthestore by displaying. § oF: your student cardor this ad. LLL ded Gp 3% Cigarettes,Posters,PatchesT-shirts, 7 PS 8% Magazines,Gifts, Novelties, 38 JokesParaphernalia Suppliesetc. Cc Es Was cae AS #8 OPEN7DAYSA WEEK 930-630 D "PR RB §=©except Thurs.& Fri. 9:30-9:00 FS 88 705 Columbia St. (Offer excludes magazines) § PHYACK CAROL CRUISES § . Wilogalibe clepadriingtromithe foot «gi cecescessneeseseencesossacccascnceoess re enna offeabiasi New Weems... (46. 2... SATURDAY December 8th -9:30 p.m.(adults only) TAVZRNA GREKA SUNDAY December9th -7;OO pm. (The Best Restaurant In New Westminster) MONDAY December lOth -7OO pm. True Greek Food. Give it a try! TUESDAY DecemberTith -/;O0Opm.. WEDNESDAY December 12th -7;00 p.m. THURSDAY December 13th -%00 pm (Twilight) foo Moussaka Souvlakia Kalamaria § Mon.-Thurs. Nam-lpom. — Fri. Nam.-12 mid. -7.00 p.m. Sat. 430p.m-12 mid. Sun 430pm-lO pm. FRIDAY December 14th -7O0Opm. Parties can be arranged -9:30 p.m.(adutts only) - (Belly Dancer Every Fri. & Sat. Nite) 3 326 Columbia St. F Tickets on sale at Hyack.204 6th St. andWoodwards Phone 526-065] for reservations : & 6th&éth New Westminster Tickets: $800 2 ' Phone 522-6894 for more information. PLEASE DO NOT TAMPER WITH Recently two of these have been BUILDING SAFETY EQUIPMENT. ripped from the wall, bracket and all and one extinguisher appears to be To comply with regulations, fire missing. extinguishers have been installed in It is a criminal offence to ecu conspicuous locations throughout the with public safety equipment and building. They are there to help ensure anyone found misusing these installa- public safety and are to be used only tions should realize there are penalties for that purpose. which can be invoked. KOH-I-NOOR RAPIDOGRAPH’ BLUEPRINTING CopyPrinting —_—» Drafting & Surveying : ‘ § Equipment a creek ens» onl¥ 04 srainless St at $031 -No SE e SALES Regulatly Pris @ SERVICE Make your professional choice now... @ RENTALS TR IMEN BLUEPRINTING & SALES LTD. 13452 - 108th Ave., Surrey, B.C. V3T 2K1