TO: DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD February 21, 1985. On January 29th, the Council of Principals met for their regular meet- ing. As a result of that meeting, I have been named as a member of a committee to examine the collective bargaining process in the college & institute system. On January 3lst, the College and BCIT hosted a breakfast meeting for a wide range of businesses on the subject of Co-operative Education, and the plans of BCIT and Douglas College in this regard. The meeting was most successful, and has given us a number of initial contacts for student placement. On February lst, the BCAC Public Information Committee met, to continue work on future public information programs on behalf of the colleges and institutes in the province. Mr. Murnane will provide additional information on this as appropriate. On February 5th, I attended a meeting of a committee on youth employment and economic development, which is preparing a report for the Deputy Minister on education policy in this area. I expect that that committee will have one more meeting and then present its final report to the Deputy Minister in March. I have been asked to sit on an advisory committee to Statistics Canada, that meets twice a year in Ottawa. Educational statistics are of extreme significance both in academic research, and in public policy. The Fact that the education field is being asked to offer ongoing advice to Statistics Canada, is a very desirable development. Internal Matters - Education On January 24th, another happy graduation of an Adult Basic Education class occurred in Maple Ridge. The event was well attended, and had full representation both from the School District and the College. Program and budgeting planning for the 1985/86 fiscal year, and con- current long range planning, has been proceeding smoothly during January and February. The administration is in a position to recommend a set of strategies that will see us through the next fiscal year while remaining constant to directions outlined in the 5-Year Plan. Once the Board has made its decision in this regard, we will be in a position to recommend a specific expenditure plan at the next Regular Meeting of the Board. Internal Matters - General On January 23rd, I made a presentation to a College Assembly on our current environment and future developments, based on the 5-Year Plan. The following week, there was an informal workshop on the same subject, that allowed discussion, and an interchange of views. During the week of February 4, Rona Murray, well known Canadian author, was resident at Douglas College, courtesy of the Canada Council, and a grant from ICL Food Service (White Spot) Ltd. The residence was a resounding success, and it is a pleasure to compliment the faculty members who devoted so much time and effort to the project.