Thank You...Thank You... I wish to thank everyone who participated in the Fall 1983 registration process. We successfully registered returning students at a rate well in excess of our previous pattern of registration. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated by all the staff of the Office of the Regist- rar. We wish you all the best in the fall semes- ter which has been made possible by your collective effort. Andrew J. Wilson P.S. Anyone who still has a name tag, please return it to Debbie or Julie. Guide Dogs Guide dogs are used by blind people to act as "eyes", allowing the blind person the opportunity to freely move around. Seeing eye dogs are trained to ignore all activit- jes except those which affect the safety of the owner. While a guide dog is in harness, it is "working" and should not be petted or played with. Feel free to greet a blind person with a guide dog, but avoid the urge to pet the dog. Missing Chair Has anybody seen a tall adjustable chair with a footrest? It was delivered last semester but never arrived in the bandroom. This is part of a conductor's system and is greatly missed. Anyone knowing its whereabouts, please con- tact Blair Fisher. Mad Hatter Page 8 For Rent Come and play Wind and The Willows with us. | We have a 2 bedroom house ($250.00) for rent on the quiet river-bank, just 10 minutes drive from Douglas College. See Valerie MacBean in Room 3438 or leave messages at 520-5485 with Chris Walmsley. For Sale Two subscriptions to Playhouse Theatre. Red and Blue Series - $275 Contact Peter Henderson @ 682-8290 For Sale 12 Wenger Studios Various Dimensions For further information, contact the Pur- chasing Department. Sponsored Students Many agencies request progress information on students they sponsor at the College. We now have a standardized reporting form that the agency representative is to use when requesting information on a student. If the student does not sign the form, the information is not released to the sponsor. If a faculty member receives a verbal re- quest for information, the sponsor should be referred to the Registrar's Office for an official form. Gladys Klassen (example on next page)