Criminology Tour [It isn't often that a person can take a trip to England and return with credit for a col- lege course, but this May, the Criminology Department at Douglas College is offering a chance to do just that. —— — —- 7 The course, Comparitive Criminal Justice, will take the student on a Study Tour of the English justice system, from the Old Bailey Courts to the police station in Durham, to the prisons surrounding London. "England was picked because the Canadian and British systems have common routes, yet there are many differences which have evolved," said one of the tour leaders, Jack Ferguson. Ferguson, along with Lyle Howarth will be leading the tour; both are instructors at Douglas College in the Criminology Depart- ment. The tour should be of interest to persons working in the field as it will provide a first hand look at how the system operates in England. The tour will include an exam- ination of police, probation and institu- tional programs. "We'll be taking a close look at the British approach to the police and community; many of the present community programs in Canada were modeled after the English system," Ferguson said. Tour members will be provided transportation, accommodation and meals from May 13 to May 30 for a fee of $1,500. For further information, contact the Crim- inology Department. DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES r Mad Hatter Page 17 Basketball at Douglas Yes, Douglas College does have a mens basket- ball team! The following are some of the most recent game scores: Douglas College vs. Royal Roads College January 28 76 to 36 Douglas College vs. Malaspina College January 29 79 to 8&8 The Douglas College gymnasium is expected to be ready mid-February, so the College Community will be able to soon enjoy the | action first-hand. Fitness Classes Scheduled : A new fitness schedule has been posted out-— side the gymnasium doors (concourse level). All members of the College Community who are interested are urged to make note of the schedule. As this schedule in only tentative, a re- vised and finalized schedule will be pub- lished as soon as additional classes and | times have been incorporated. External Parking Regulation : | With reference to the following sketch, please be advised that authorized parking only is permitted in areas 4, 5, 6, and 7. These four areas provide specific entrance to the facility and are used by specific people or departments. Area 4 is the prin- cipal supply route to the cafeteria and we are in the process of establishing limited | parking for the handicapped in area 5. Area 6 and 7 are designed access for the library, library tech services and instruc- tional media services. | | Security forces are checking these parking areas four times per day and are installing notices warning unauthorized parkers of the eminent advent of towing. We will be in- stigating this procedure in the very near future. Please avoid the inconvenience to one and all by parking vehicles beneath the structure in the parking provided. West Graydon |