j 2 FROM: Campus Supervisor - N.W. RE: Vacation April 4 = April 18,1977 During my absence on vacation, please contact RICK REYNOLDS for any assistance in relation to N.W. Campus Support Services. Telephone directly; Surrey 250, N.W. 270 or via message to either switchboard operator. Bn Ken a DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES WANTED A home for a small dog, Dachshund/ terrier cross. Good watch dog. Call Barry Leach - 536-7100 or 521-1911 Loc.691 ‘CoRR NTT NT NSERC TN OUR BOETTINS NOTICE ATHLETICS & LEISURE SERVICES POLICY COMMITTEE A committee has been formed at the direction of Principal's Council to make recommendations regarding the above. The committee meets in Room N707, 4.15 p.m. every Monday. Any faculty or staff wishing to make a presentation to this committee should contact David Peterkin, Local 225, Surrey Campus. Written submissions will be welcomed. (Qn OES Everyone is invited to attend the opening night of a show of recent ceramics and watercolors by Douglas College instructor Fred Owen. The show is at the House of Ceramics, 565 Hamilton, Vancouver, and opening night is March 21, from 7:30 - 10 p.m. Reg- ular hours are 1l a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Tues. - Sat. The show is on from March 22 - April 2. Standing B.C. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES UNION -- LOCAL 62 ELECTION RESUITS for 2 year Term 1977 - 1979 Executive Committee: Table OLfpcerss CHAT RMAN VICE CHAIRMAN RECORDING SECRETARY CORRESPONDING SECRETARY TREASURER “La ustees? 3 WARDEN CONDUCTOR Moitbers at Large: Campus Delegates: Brian Wiebe Mike Ruskin Margaret Clark Pat Disher Mayme Furber Neil Douglas Debbie lliggins NEW WESTMINSTER REPRESENTATIVE SURREY REPRESENTATIVE RICHMOND REPRESENTATIVE COQUITLAM REPRESEN Campus Stewards: NEW SURKGY STEWARD RICHMOND S'TEWARD COOUITIAM STEWARD CaomMMLethas : Ope pclae oma tes: nist WS'LMINE VER ALTE SURREY ALTEINATE TATIVE WESTMINSTER STEWARD ERNATIS Karen Warren Mike Ruskin Kim Williams Pat Thomasson Doug Muche Doug Cohoon Cari Greene Mary Dick S'TEWARD Margaret Clarke STEWARD Susan Somers RiCHIOID ALTERNATE STEWARD CHULA ATAIIS TARE Safety Comnittee: (V.Chrmn. Andrew McAdam Debbie Higgins Grievance Committee: Pat Keenan Ann Raffle Robert Taylor So TRWARD Pat Thomasson - Chairperson: Mike Ruskin)