TIBETAN REFUGEE AID SUCIETY SALE POTTERY, BOOKS, TOYS AND MANY OTHER GIFT ITEMS FOR SALE ON THURSDAY, lst NOVEMBER, ll am - 1 pm, CAFETERIA, Sure2, CAMPS. Do your CHRISTMAS SHOPPING AND HELPONEEDY=I-IBETANS AND INDIANS AT THE SAME TIME, Nasariuesn I Kan DOROTHEA LEACH @ y Sam: ews AT mrr eA j ANG: ES 6 | DOUGLAS COLLEGE ! | A Proposal for a Four-Day Academic Week And an Optional Compatible Three-Day Academic Weckend T. M. Grieper HE FOUR-DAY work week recently heralded by some as a paral solution to economic problems and a boon to leisure- nm .nded Americans has never appeared to be applicable to many professional persons or to teachers in higher education, both of whom feel that they squeeze as much work into a day under present circumstances as is possible. However, a four-day academic week has the potenual to better utilize faculty time, chiefly by compartmentalizing activities and compressing some of its functions without adding to the faculty load or affecting the Iength of the term or faculty salanes. Simul- taneously, it offers the luxury of a three-day weekend every week for rejuvenation of the spirit, for personal study or research, or for consulting or other outside professional employment which is some- times in conflict with class schedules. Specifically, the proposal is as follows: all classes and laboratory sessions are to be scheduled over a consecutive four-day work week, probably Monday through Thursday, with no teaching or institu- Uon-related activities required of cither faculty or students on the remaining three days. Under the semester system (it is equally adaptable to the quarter system) with semesters of 15-week dura- ion, each threc-credit course meets two days per week for 75 minutes. A typical schedule would require a student carrying a full 15 credit hour load to attend classes for three hours and 45 minnates on two days and for two hours and 30 minutes on the other two days. A faculty member with a 12 hour teaching load would be in the classroom for two hours and 30 minutes each day with the remaining time unscheduled and a three-day weekend every week. See ‘Table J. CONT'D