Cross-Eyed Bear in the Cross Hairs And other shots in the Ark and Exodus Julian Worker, OP Contributor In the previous chapter of our history, Noah built an Ark, which helped to save all the worthy creatures of the world. For 40 days and 40 nights, this valued vessel sailed the world until the waters of The Flood receded. Now read on.... And lo! the Ark had come to rest upon the Earth of Kansas, where all around was clean and worthy. All the ani- mals disembarked from the Ark and were enjoying the wide open spaces in the land of the free. “Thou art a good and righteous man Noah,” sayeth the Lord, “thou hast done well.” “O Lord I thank thee, but when you assigned me this task, I knew the cross I’d bear,” sayeth Noah. “Why are you talking about me?” sayeth the cross-eyed bear, clumsily bumping into Noah. “What have I done?” Now, the cross-eyed bear had been demonically altered by the Devil so as to cause confusion in the world and to bring uncertainty into the lives of all creatures. “Keep away from me, thou heinous, heathen, hell-dweller,” sayeth Noah. “O Lord, help me, free me from this cursed crea- ture.” “Get away you beast of Beelzebub, you son of Satan, you lieutenant of Lucifer, you Devil’s disciple,” sayeth the loving, caring Lord, who fired thunderbolts at the cross- eyed bear to destroy this evidence of evil, this documenta- tion of devilry. But Lucifer had done other alterations to this unfortunate creature, which made the cross-eyed bear extremely swift and unable to run in a straight line. The devilishly designed creature was also crafty, demonic, and elusive, which helped this abominable animal evade the missiles of The Lord. The thunderbolts designed to eradi- cate this behemoth of a bear raised clouds each day, which allowed glaciers to form on the Earth, allowing an ice-age to begin. But The Lord blew away the clouds each night and the glaciers receded in an interglacial period. And lo! as the Lord’s thunderbolts hit the Earth, they also compressed the trees, destroyed during The Flood, and drove them deep into the Earth where they formed the coal deposits of today. The thunderbolts crushed some of the sea creatures and pushed them downwards for miles, where they formed the oil deposits we use so readily in our time. The thunderbolts also caused fissures in the Earth which allowed the seas to enter the land and caused some of the lands to move away. And lo! after seven days and seven nights, the lands of the Earth became scattered far and wide, and The Lord became alarmed at their apart- ness. He used his celestial breath to bring some of the lands back together and lo! the mountain ranges of the world were created by his powerful exhalation, which was so mighty that its relentless strength is still present in these lands of the Earth even today. As the Lord paused for breath, the Archangel Michael appeared. “Thou artistic and imaginative Lord, thou has created a beautiful and intelligently designed Earth,” sayeth Michael. “T really like the thin, narrow piece over there on the left and the intriguingly shaped peninsula on the right.” The Lord looked and marvelled at the sight of the Earth that he now beheld. “Thou speaketh truly, Michael,” sayeth The Lord, “TI will leave things as they are for now.” “O Lord, that accursed cross-eyed bear, that creature of chaos is to be found somewhere in the land of the Himalaya, the highest point of thy Earth, far away from all the other creatures,” sayeth the Archangel Gabriel, appear- ing to the Lord. “Yet I know not exactly where he dwells.” And The Lord decreed that this was to be the cross-eyed bear’s punishment for the rest of eternity—to wander the highest points of the Earth; to be alone and lonely; to be seen only fleetingly by mountaineers; and to be known as the “Yet I know not exactly where he dwells” animal, or Yeti for short. As the cross-eyed bear began his damnable wanderings in the Himalaya, an intelligently designed young man called Moses was causing distress to his family. Everyone thought that Moses was truly a basket case, never prepared to acknowledge the painful realities of his personal life. Verily, Moses had a number of traits that most people found quite disturbing, He thought he could hear burning bushes speaking to him, when no one else could hear a word; he wandered off for days at a time into the mountains, only returning when he had chiseled fine, moral words into tablets of stone; and he tried to lead large numbers of people across deep stretches of open water, which led to many innocent individuals nearly drowning. And forsooth his family became so distressed that eventually Moses had to go and see the psychologist, who couched his assessment in these terms: “Moses, thou art in denial, but there is a place where all thy talents and person- al idiosyncrasies will become meaningful and real. That place is Egypt and thou should go and see the Pharaoh of that country straightaway.” In the next part of our history, we shall see what hap- pened in Egypt with a man and the most pimpin’ coat ever—fo’ shizzle. agree... Seven out-of-ten NET nerds | found it on teh interweb is funnier than paying for Linux software. See Page 18!