Monday, April 4, 1988 I’m old enough to drive And walk right into bars, Ican go to jail for unjust acts And worship from afar. I can try most everything They let my parents try, But one thing that I have to say I’m much too young to die. You left us with your legacy Of smog and death and hate, Your stupid redneck attitudes You left it up to fate. You nevef guessed how life would be "It’s up to them" you said, The world you left, in which we live Is something close to dead. So don’t you tell me how to live, I don’t want your advice. I hate your fucking values You’ve screwed our future life. So let me set my own life plan Don’t tell me what to do. Trash your cosmic genocide Cause friend, I pity you. by Dean MacPherson A MAN DISCOVERING HIS SOUL One rainy day, as a man is driving along a highway, he begins to have deep thoughts. His wife is in the back seat, in labour. He is driving over the average speed limit in order to try to bring his wife to the hospital on time. Suddenly, he loses control of his vehicle and crashes into atree just a short distance from the hospital. A few moments later, he opens his eyes slightly and envisions his wife delivering a baby boy. He wakes up and notices that he is in some kind of aroom. A woman, who looks like a nurse, walks in carrying a blond, blue-eyed baby boy. The boy looks exactly like he envisioned him, a little prince. The man then shuts his eyes. He’s dead. His son is now ’king’ of the family. Although the man is dead, a new soul is put forth in his son. by Liana C. Di Marco c previously published 1984 the Other Press Tah-das-te 1898 Messenger for Geronimo Daddy’s Daughters I had.a photo once in a shoe box filled with holidays, and birthdays and you staring at me from this coffin Lazarus almost You were perfected there except for a bit of hair and your right hand torn off in battle for who should own you We wanted your soul for our own but got your pyre and a lung full of ash We held our breaths but had to let you go go then I said if you must but in our childish way I thought you immortal and not so flat and grey. by B. Towell Il pleut, il pleut Il fait beau Il fait du soleil Il est tot Il se fait tard Il Il Il Il Toujours Il Toujours II qui pleut et qui neige Toujours Il qui fait du soleil Toujours Il Pourquoi pas Elle Jamais Elle Pourtant Elle aussi Souvent se fait belle by Jacques Prevert L’>homme Qui Tu Resemble. J’ai frappe’ a ta porte J’ai frappe’ a tan coeur Pour avoir bon lit Pour avoir bon feu Pourquoi me repousser? Ouvre-moi mon frere! Pourquoi me demander si Si je suis d’ Afrique Si je suis d’ Amerique Si je suis d’ Asie Si je suis d’ Europe? Pourquoi me demander la longueur de mon nez. L’espaiseur de ma bouche La couleur de ma peau Et le nom de mes dieux? Ouvre-moi mon frere Je ne suis pas un noir Je ne suis pas un rouge Je ne suis pas un jaune Je ne suis pas un blanc Et je ne suis qu’en homone Ouvre-moi mon frere Ouvre-moi ta parte Ouvre-moi ton coeur Car je suis un homme L’homme de tous les temps L’homme de tous les cieux L’homme qui te resemble! -unknown