The exhibition is on display until October 3lst at three locations: the Douglas College Performance Theatre, the New Westminster Public Library Gallery, and the New West- minster Arts Council “Gallery in the Park” at Centennial Lodge in Queen's Park. The Fraser River Show was organized by the Douglas College Arts Exhibition Advisory Committee. TOY CONFERENCE With the Christmas shopping season about to commence, toys will be the focus of much attention. So it is timely that the Chidren's Play Resource Centre will be presenting “A Confer- ence About Toys” for parents, teachers, and child-care workers--all who spend time with children. Vancouver's first-ever toy conference will be held at Douglas College on Saturday, November Ist from 0900 to 1500 hours. A series of workshops designed for parents and educators will cover toy safety, toys and physical development, baby’s first toys, choosing foys for play and learning, toys on a shoestring budget, and the controversial issues surrounding war toys. A new film on toys for children with special needs will also be shown dur- ing the conference. The conference will close with a panel discussion, where all who attend will be encourage to ask questions and voice their concerns. To register, or for further information, phone Community Programs & Services at 520-5473 or the Children’s Play Resource Centre at 732-3305. ANNOUNCEMENT | regret fo announce that Howard Eaton has resigned from the newly created position of Instruction Development Consultant. The controversy which has risen over the establishment of the position and the selection process has, in Howard's opinion, made it impossible for him to carry out this function effectively. The position will remain vacant for the balance of the academic year. Given sufficient financial resources, | hope to reinstate the position for 1987/88. Gerry DellaMattia SHORT SUBJECT Thanks to the Kellogg Foundation, American higher education has done R and D, 'n' in Number Nineteen the Abstract contains Innovation A community college in Texas understands very well how complex is an ESLcase with a poor language base, in a system controlled by cash nexus. So Parallel Studies in Austen, aware that such students get lost in infinitives 'n’ gerunds, send them on errands - the kind that there isn't much cost in. Now these errands must be interractive, ‘cause there's no point in finding a fact if you don't learn the lingo; whereas human bingo is quite pedagogically attractive. As long as the instructor orients, the student might learn to say what meant. And if he can't, still, an adjustment of skill will lead to communicative competence Never mind if the student's correct, if his comprehension's selective - Achievement of task is all that we ask, with a method that's so cost-effective MAD HATTER 3 Yes, just think how this method will pay if you set up your schedule this way: half your class on team quest, you can de-brief the rest, who did the team quest yesterday. The management people admire an approach that allows them to hire half time relief to double de-brief, as the regular teachers retire. Terry Loughrey, ESL instructor and Co-author of Contact RESOURCE SURVEY OF VIDEO AND VIDEO TECHNIQUES AT DOUGLAS COLLEGE 1am currently undertaking o survey of video and video technique uses at Douglas College. | am interested in looking at anything from video- feedback techniques used in a class- room setting, fo video used on an in- dividual basis, to the production and use of original video-tapes as a way of delivering information to students. | would like to know how video is used, in what context and for what purpose, its usefulness and its problems. | have designed the following very simple questionnaire and would greatly appreciate it if anyone using video would take a few minutes to fill it out, and return it fo me via campus mail. When I've gathered the information together | will produce a resource booklet on video use at Douglas College. This booklet will be available fo anyone interested, and hopefully will serve as a stimulus for other in- structors to include the use of video in their teaching repertoires. I'm thanking you in advance for your help with this project. Mae Burrows