MAD HATTER PAGE 8 Petit mal attacks, most common in child ren, usually last a few seconds. Mani- festations may be staring, twitching of the eye lids, and momentary laps of con- sciousness. No first-aid measures are necessary. Psychomotor seizures can happen at any age. Behaviours include confusion, headache, spots before the eyes, dizzi- ness, buzzing and ringing in the ears. The seizures may last from one minute to several hours. Do not restrain the person in anyway except for personal safety. During the . seizure, the person is in a confused mental state, but is usually able to follow comments made in a pleasant, gen- tle manner. It is possible to control the behaviour of the person for the duration of the seizure by friendly sug- gestions. It is always important to keep calm when observing a seizure. FREE LEGAL ADVICE Law Students Legal Advice Program: Help, advice and counsel for all legal problems provided at no charge by sti- dents of the Law School at the Univer- sity of British Columbia. Some of the legal Problems covered are: - Landlord/Tenant - Family - Unimployment - Welfare - Debt Counselling - Consumer - Criminal = cc. , ‘CEC. Assistance in the obtaining of separa- tion - ground divorces. For information on where to see us, call 872-0271 or 228-5791. Evening clinics are open throughout the lower mainland. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Douglas College requires a Full-time Temporary Instructor in Computing Science/Mathematics. For further details, please see the © job posting on the Personnel Posting Board. Kwantlen College has the following faculty vacancies: Full Time Positions: English, Biology, Criminology Contract Positions: Conmuhications Theory, Chemistry, Mathematics, Account- ing/Business, Biology (Principles), Eco- nomics (Micro & Macro), Physical Geog- raphy, Physics, French Full Time Positions: Accounting, Adult Basic Education, EDP, Interior Design, Office Administration Program; Instruc- tor/Coordinator, Instructor Contract Positions: Adult Special Ed- ucation, Office Administration Program For further details, please see the job posting on the Personnel Posting Board. The International Labour Office requires a Consultant in Skill Testing in the general field of Technical Education (Technical Assistance to the Western Re- gion Campus Project). Country/Region: Nepal Project Code: NEP/81/003 (Post 05) PASREC No.: 3831 Duration of appointment: 2 periods of 6 months each: July 1 to December 31, 1983 July 1 to December 31, 1984 Enguiries should be directed to:s International Labour Office, #202 - 75 Albert Street, Ottawa, Qntario, KIP 5E7