DOUGLAS COLLEGE MAD HATTER PAGE 7 ARCHIVES Some people confuse sexual harassment with office flir- tation. It is important to make the distinction. Office flirtation can be harmless and can be fim. But, the prerequis- ite is that the interest must be mutual and there must be no in- timidation involved. When the interest is one sided, and in- stigated by one in authority, it becomes harassment. When . the harassment is enforced by threats to economic security, it is anything but "harmless." - from B.C. Government Employees Union Bulletin RESOURCE PERSONS NEEDED FOR WORKSHOPS IN AFRICA: JULY - AUGUST, 1982 The intermational Office, Association ‘of Canadian Community Colleges, is again co-operating with the Commonwealth Assoc- lation of Polytechnics in Africa (CAPA) to hold three staff development work- shops in Africa. The workshops are aimed at department heads of technical training institutions in Commonwealth African countries. This year plans are being made to hold the five-day workshops in Tanzania, Zambia, and the Gambia. A group of six Africans (selected from participants in workshops held in 1981) will come to Canada for training and will serves as part of the workshop resource team. The three Canadian resource persons selected will be expected to work with the Africans while they are in Canada and will work with them in conducting the workshops in Africa. CanacGian xesource persons should be cur- rently employed within the community college system in their own province. Ideally, they should have experience in conducting workshops and should have administrative experience at the commmity college level. In addition, they should have expertise (training and/or experience) in one or more of the following areas: program and per- sonnel evaluation, program develop- ment, faculty development, budgeting “and financial management, management skills, communications skills, depart- mental management and administration. Work experience in the Third World (expecially Africa) would be helpful but is not essential. Applicants for the Canadian resource team should have sensitivity toward cultural dif- ferences, a high degree of flexibility, and an ability to work co-operatively with persons of widely varied back- grounds and personalities. A time commitment of about 35 days (from July 20 to August 23) is expected from Canadian ressurce persons. Re- source persons are expected to volunteer their services in return for air fare and a living allowance (sufficient to cover accommodation, meals, and incid- ental expenses). The responsibilities of resource persons will include planning the workshops, meeting as a group prior to departure to co-ordinate activities, travelling to Africa to conduct the workshops, and evaluating the results. If you want to be considered as a pos- sible resource person, please apply as soon as possible (but by April 30, 1982, at the latest) to: Tony Berezowecki, Co-ordinator CAPA - ACCC Workshops E-316 Red River Commmity College 2055 Notre Dame Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba $3H 0J9