ee ee RS te SS Mad Hatte A Douglas College Aner The Re lor - pidia8 oa LECE LIBRARY \Y ~ Tuesday, September 23, 1980 COLLEGE LIBRARY AR CHIVES DOUGLAS eo LIBRARY ANNOUNCEMENT a actives DOUGLAS When calling Purchasing, the new voice you hear on the phone is MIN ALEONG. Min is the College's new Purchasing Clerk, replac- ing Peggy Erickson now located in C.E., Agnes Street. Welcome, Min. a aetna Mabel Endacott USE OF PRIVATE VEHICLES ON COLLEGE BUSINESS Please note that under no. 1 of the above policy which appeared on page 4 of the September 16 Mad Hatter, the reimbursed rate should have read "25¢/mile" Rais a Bob Lisson GERONTOLOGY GAME The End of The Line is a simulation game in social gerontology. If you are someone interested in working with the elderly; a student of the aging process; interested in one of the helping profession or interested in learning about simulations as a learning tool, then you will be interested in participating. Limited to 30-35 players; overflow can be observers. Sept. 25, 7-10 p.m., Surrey, 406. If interested contact Phil Warren, $281. If I can't be reached, leave your name and phone. I will put you on the list Of Dart.cipants:. Sos ese Phil Warren FOR RENT Older 3-4 bedroom, 2 bathroom small furnished house on 1 acre in Surrey. Available October 1. Lease preferred. Rent $475.00. Contact Roy Duggan, Surrey, loc. 229. J ee ee ————————_——