EXPERIMENTAL CLASSROOM FURNITURE Sceoz Klinkhamer, Project Assistant for the New Westminster Permanent Campus and our Interior Designer, is in the final stages of decision regarding the form of our new classroom furniture.. She is looking hard at two types of chairs, but wants to carry out a field-use study of them. The Management Committee nas ap- proved the purchase of 15 each of these chairs in order to equip an experimental classrcom. Your reactions to these chairs should come to Sooz. PROGRESS ON GOVERNANCE Bill Day says that he hopes to have a formal presentation to a special meeting of the Management Committee prepared by the time this Mad hatter is in circulat- ion. Following a presentation to the Management Committee, he will be carry- ing the proposed model for governance structure and processes to the Board, or possibly re-circulating it for final commentary and review to the College community. MAD HATTER PAGE 6 TAJ MAHAL New Westminster Permanent Campus is coming along well, with the south (down- hill side) building mass now having a roof. We understnad that by mid-October the general shape of the building should be apparent. Groups wishing to tour the site are re- quested to contact Barbara Bessey. There may be some waiting time involved, as strict controls now have to be ex- ercised on tour groups because of the complicated volume of construction act- ivity on the site. | NAME CHANGE Ed Redmond, Dean of Applied Programs, is recommending that the name of the basic piano tuning program should be changed to "Basic Piano Tuner-Technician" This was approved as a temporary action by Management Committee on August ll, subject to review and final decision by the appropriate committee once our governance system starts to function this Fall. EVENING ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT The Management Commitee has approved the development of an interim plan for evening administrative services. Andy Andrews and Gordon Gilgan are at work on the "lan. They have been given authority by the Management Committee to promulgate the plan as soon as it is prepared. The intent is that there will be administrative support available four evenings per week on a regular basis. We will test out the system this Fall, and change it as required. QUIET HOUR ; The Management Committee has agreed that there should be an attempt by college administrators to make the period from 8:30 to 9:30 each morning a "quiet hour". This will simply mean that people will be at their desks if possible, that meetings will not be scheduled, nor telephone calls originated. It is hoped that this will enable people to “keep the paper moving" as efficiently as possible, provide time for some planning of the day, and (who knows!) even time for some thinking. DENTAL AUXILIARY PROGRAM COORDINATOR SEARCH UNDER WAY Ed Redmond tells us that the hunt is now on for a coordinator for our new > Dental Auxiliary program, which will incorporate our present chairside and yt certified dental assisting programs into an expanded program. The new 2 ” | program will also graduate "Level III" assistants who will be able to work =O as dental hygienists. m OQ The search for a coordinator will be an arduous one, as people with the Cy rT appropriate training and experience are scarce.