DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY OC. al VP I CARE - TUTOR COORDINATOR Effective Mon., March 2, 1981, Linda Tosezak will be the Tutor Coordinator for the I CARE PROJECT. Slide Show Douglas College has produced a sound slide presentation which takes a close look at the serious problem of adults who can neither read nor write. In the Douglas College region there are over 43,000 adults between the ages of 17 and 45 who are functionally illiterate. More than 50 percent of the adult population in B.C. have not completed high school, while one in five has less than grade 9 and one in 25 has four years or less of formal schooling. How is it possible that there are people in B.C. who cannot read and write? There are many reasons; poor health in childhood, isolated farms and overcrowding of classrcoms. These reasons and other problems are looked at in a sound slide presentation on the Douglas College I CARE (Individual Community Adult Reading Education) program, which will be shown for the first time on Wednesday, March 18, from 4 - 6 p.m. in Room 106 of the Coquitlam Campus . Members of the commimity and Douglas College staff, faculty and students are invited to attend this preview, and comment on its contents. The sound slide presentation also points out that help now is available. Douglas College offers two separate types of programs to the adults who need literacy training. Classroom training is available at Coquitlam and Langley, both during the day and evenings. The classes are small and led by trained teachers. An alternative to the classroom training is the Volunteer Tutoring Program called I CARE. Lessons are private and take place in the learners com- munity. There is no fee for either program. For more information call Coquitlam Campus at 939-6611. “Mad Hatte A Douglas College Newslette March 11,1981 r) Music Washington State University Chamber Orchestra will be givihg a concert at Douglas College on Wednesday, March 11 from 1 - 2 p.m. in the bandroom. The orchestra's performances over a period of years have being one of the musically outstanding university en- sembles of the Pacific Northwest. "We are very fortunate that the W.S.U. Chamber Orchestra has included Douglas College as part of their tour of Washington and B.C.," said Kevin Barrington-Foote.: earned it the reputation of | LIBRARY NEWS BOOK SALE Douglas College Libraries are having a book-sale on 5000 used books, both hard & soft covers. Also some good phonograph records. The sale will be held on Coquitlam Campus in the Library on March 13, 9-4 p.m. and March 14, 9-12 noon. There will be some great bargains with prices starting at 25¢,