Page ten The Other Press March 6, 1981 sports Douglas loses ‘cliffhanger’ | Second in finals to Capilano 90-87 Horseshoes is_ probably what the Douglas College men’s basketball team wi- shed they were playing Sa-. turday Feb 22, when they lost a cliffhanger to Capi- lano College in New West- minster. They came close but it was not enough. It was their second game of three straight on the week- end. Os Douglas came close to winning their second game of the year but a technical, awarded to the bench late in the game, dashed any hopes of pulling out a victory. Douglas had tied the ga- me 86-86 with 24 seconds left when Rod McNish, fou- 2-6:00 p.m. led out and was subse- quently given a controversal technical penalty. Capilano made their bo- nus shots and were given possession of the ball. They then tried to run down the clock before Douglas inten- tionally fouled them which resulted in Capilano going up by four points. With just one second remaining in regulation ti- me. With just one second remaining in regulation ti- me, Douglas’ Peter Julian, attempted to tie the game with a three point play, but his shot failed to bounce off the rim and Capilano had their victory. In other weekend action, Douglas was soundly defea- ted by the Totem conferance leaders, VCC 106-50, Friday, and had another close game with Okanagan, but they came out on the short end of a 99-79 score. John DeAnna put another outstanding performance for Douglas by netting 98 points over the three ga- mes. He had 26 against Langara, 36 against Capi- lano, and 36 against Okanagan. ; Meanwhile, the women’s team also dropped three games on the weekend. Douglas College Student Society Annual General Meeting | March 16 - Southside 2:00 p.m. - Surrey Cafeteria March 17 - Northside 2:00 p.m. - New West Cafeteria Proposed By-Law Ammendments . Constitution Ammendments “Your vote counts .. Very important meeting be there” Free: Coffee Note: Due tothe importance of these meetings, Afternoon clasees have been cancelled from March 16-17 so that students are free to attend. The Douglas College men’s doubles team fini- shed second in the Totem Conference badminton championships held Febru- ary 20, in Prince George. Douglas’ Laci Bujdos and Arthur Chin lost two straight matches to Vancou- ver Community College af- ter winning the first. by Greg Heakes The championships. fea- tured six college teams from V.C.C.* Malaspina, doug- las, Caribou, and host, New calendonia. The tournament was sta- ged to pick the represen- tatives for the Western con- ference playoffs. Douglas took a team of eight players with them to Prince George. Douglas’ was, at one point, ahead 12-8 in the final game but eventually lost after V.C.C. broke a 13-13 deadlock. V.C.C. also won the second game of the match after the score was tied 13-13. “We tried to slow things down but it just didn’t work.”’ stated Douglas coach Robin Ryan. In other action, Pat Zawaduk and Tom Luk fini- ‘shed third in the mixed doubles categorie. ‘In men’s singles, Vince Lam finished fourth and in women’s doubles, Ruth Norman and Erna Verner, finished fifth. Society By-Laws BY-LAW: 1.2 Membership shall cease when a member fails to register for credit courses at Douglas College or has fai- led to pay Society fees. 2:3. The Student Multi Campus Council shall con- sist of: a) President b)Vice-President Internal Vice-President External d) Treasurer : e) Chairperson and representative a lerge from each Student Campus Coun- cil. 2.5 The number of repre- sentatives at large per Stu- dent Campus Council shall be four (4) until such time as the Multi Campus Coun- cil may determine a larger number for any student Campus Council. - 2.6 Each Student Campus Council shall have two (2) votes at meetings of the Multi Campus Council. 8.2 The Treasurer shall provide upon request a cur- rent financial report for the Student . Multi Campus Council. 8.4 The Treasurer shall ensure that immediately {upon receipt of any Society funds, they are deposited with a chartered Bank or Credit Union selected by the Multi Campus Council. Each Satellite Campus shall account to the Multi Cam- pus for any funds raised, donated, or generated by the said Satellite Campus, and each campus shall only deposit and maintain their Bank deposits and all said monies raised, donated, or generated by the said Satel- lite Campus, and each cam- pus shall only deposit and maintain their Bank depo- sits and all said monies raised, donated or genera- ted be each campus, at the same Chartered Bank or Credit Union as used and selected by the Multi Cam- pus Council. 10.1 The Executives of the Society shall be the Presi- dent, Vice-President Inter- nal, Vice-President Exter- nal, the Treasurer, and the Student Campus Chairper- sons. 10.5 A quorum for the meeting of the Executive of ~ the Society shall be a majo- rity of the currently filled positions and shall not be less than five (5) executives. 12.18 In order to qualilfy for the office of student campus chairperson on a perticular campus, a majority of the courses in which the candi- date is enrolled, must as a tule be given at the campus at. which the _ candidate seeks office. Classes The Annual General Mee- ting of Douglas College Student Society will be held on March 16 at the South- side campus at 2:00 in the cafeteria, and on March 17 |- at the Northside campus at the same time, also in the cafeteria. Proposed constitutional Cahi cel led ammendments will be dis- cussed and as a result of the meeting all afternoon, clas- ses will be cancelled bet- ween 2:00 and 6:00 so all students can attend.