Word 6n The Stree First-time Confessions: The Student Body talks about losing their virginity Asked and transposed by Colin Miley, Managing Editor and Notorious Lush Photos by Angela Blattman (The sickGerman) “Tell us about your first time...” “My first time was on a doorstep, at a pig farm in Saskatchewan, with a Serbian exchange student. | was 15.” “| was in living in Germany, | was 14. We were walking home from a party, through this park, we were really drunk, and | tripped next to creek. He fell on top of me and we started making out, and then we did it. It was really really bad. He grunted like a pig. A few days later, | broke up with him.” q “| don’t know if your mom wants me to talk about that.” To which my mom replies: “Drew, that wasn’t me, it was a goat. You apparently stapled a picture of me onto its head and had relations with it. It’s about your drinking, Drew. We need to talk.” If that’s not enough... * You will also get a student discount of up to 33% on cell phone plans. ions apply. Terms and conditi a Ee 9 G3 © PHONES: