MAD HATTER 3 Douglas College Jazz Bands The Douglas College Jazz Bands are at it again! In addition to their busy schedule of recording and concert appearances they will be at the Hot Jazz Club on December 14, 1985. Comprised of college students and well practised community members the two Douglas College jazz bands wil be presenting the swing sounds of the Big Band Era. The bands' latest album, "Livin' on the Edge", was praised by the Vancouver Sun for its "clean sound and unwrinkled arrange- ments and performances." Their third album "Modaji" is being recorded at Ocean Sound and Douglas College studios. Proceeds from this year's dance will go towards "Modaji", which will be released in January '86. So whether it's Glen Miller, Duke Ellington or Benny Goodman you prefer, catch the Douglas College Jazz Bands at the Hot Jazz Club, 2120 Main Street on Saturday, December 14 at 9:00 in the evening. Tickets are $6 for Hot Jazz Society members and students, and $8.00 for guests. Upcoming Events From the Humanities Institute: To Bear Witness (The Holocaust) Thursday, December 5, 1985 Room 2203 12:30 - 2:00 P,M, and 8:00 - 10:00 P.M. A commentary by Barbara Smith, Public Information Office will follow this film. §§§§§ Noon at New West: Student Showcase Thursday, December 5, 1985 Performance Theatre 12:30 P.M. §§§§§ Concert of Carols and Christmas Songs Featuring: Douglas College Children's Choir, Douglas College Community Choir, and the Douglas College Concert Choir. Conductors: Diane Loomer (Community & Children's Choir) Tatsuo Hoshina (Concert Choir) Free Admission Wednesday, December 11, 1985 8:00 P.M. Douglas College Performance Theatre §§§§§ Douglas College Concert Band and Jazz Ensembles In concert Director: Blair Fisher Thursday, December 5, 1985 8:00 P.M. Performance Theatre Free Admission All Faculty, Staff and Administration COLLEGE-WIDE WINE & CHEESE PARTY Thursday, December 19, 1985 4:00 - 6:00 P.M. Royal Avenue Site - Lower Cafeteria Hosted by: College Senior Administration Please come and enjoy an opportunity to mingle with friends and colleagues, and to salute the season, and each other, with a glass of wine and some ‘munchies’. §§§§§ ET NS, RET NESE TS NT BES SESE SES PT EREE ST 8 1 I ee |