THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster,B.C, Editor: Judie Steeves, Surrey campus Telephone: 588-4411, loc. 283 as FROM: Supervisor of Personnel Administration RE: Vacancy - (2) Auxiliary Positions of Library Clerk - Richmond kKARKRKK Effective immediately the following positions in the College are available for the period 1 May - 31 December 1976. Position: Auxiliary Technical Services Clerk - Cataloguing/Processing Richmond Campus Classification: Library Clerk I Salary: $764.00 - $857.00 The job descriptions for these positions are posted on all Staff Notice Boards. If no applicatns fully meet the Pre-requisites, appointment may be made at a lower classificationj level. , In keeping with our policy of filling vacancies from within our staff whenever possible, we invite applications from all qualified employees § who are interested in being considered for this position. If you wish to apply for these positions, you should advise the Supervisor of Personnel Administgation in writing by 29 April 1976. Quote Position Title used in this advertisement. § Laurie rvisor of Personnel Administration i byw | LCL/ti ft 8 On occasion small metal parts have been. included 8 in outgoing mail envelopes. . mated mail service these metallic parts play 8 havoc with the mail processing machinery. , Damage has been caused to both College and K P.O. department equipment and it is requested , that departments mailing small parts package x them for parcel post preferably boxed for safe 8 delivery and ease of processing by mail service R facilities. Inclusion of non paper contents in envelope ~- 5 \ In today's auto- § Campus Supervisor NW R15 April 1976 MEMORANDUM TO: ALL FACULTY On behalf of the Curriculum .committee it gives me great pleasure to announce that Douglas College Council (at its meeting of April lst, 1976) ADOPTED thé following: (1) Policy Statement on "Admission to Programs offered by Douglas College" - the adoption of this statement will better allow the College to implement more fully the philosophical assumptions underlying our "open-door" policy - that is, the provision of learning opportunities to as - wide a range of student population as possible. (2) Diploma of "Associate in Science" On October 16th, 1975 Douglas College Council authorized a change in format of the Douglas College Diploma in order to allow for the creation of a number of‘ Diploma fields. The "first" Diploma of this type - designed by the Engineering Science Division - was submitted to, and approved by, College Council on April lst, 1976. It is noteworthy that the courses leading to this Diploma were all drawn from the existing curriculum. The detailed submissions are attached to this issue of the Mad Hatter. If you have any questiog please do not hesitate to get in tp