MAD HATTER PAGE 6 WINSLOW BOOKSTORE OPERATION Effective Thursday, March 25, 1982, the Winslow Bookstore will be closed permanently and the operations will be consolidated with the New Westminster Bookstore. Services will continue to be available to Winslow personnel and departmental requisitions should be forwarded to the New Westminster Bookstore. We will make every reasonable effort to fill and ship the requisitional sup- plies promptly. In the case of text books and supplies required by students, there are two | alternatives: 1. Personal visit to the New Westmin- ster Bookstore. _ 2. Telephone the New Westminster Book- { store to determine the cost of the : required articles and forward a cheque to the Bookstore through in- ter-campus mail. Upon receipt of the cheque the Bookstore will ship the articles to the Receptionist at the Winslow Campus where they can be picked up. Please do not send money through the mailing system. Please direct any inquiries that you may have to either Karen or myself at the New Westminster Bookstore. WOMEN'S CENTRE: MYTHS ABOUT : SEXUAL HARASSMENT i | MYTH #1: "SEXUAL HARASSMENT IS NOT VERY COMMON." Recent surveys have indicated that 80-90% of women in the labor force have experienced sexual harassment at some time in their working lives. In MYTH #2: MYTH #3: Canada, that represents 3.6 million women. In a recent survey of the membership of the B.C.G.E.U., 80% of the i respondents reported the exist~ | ence of sexual harassment in their workplace. "WOMEN INVITE SEXUAL HARASS- MENT BY THEIR BEHAVIOR AND/ OR DRESS." Sexual harassment is an expres=- sion of power. Generally it is not sexually motivated. Conse- quently, it is usually practiced with little regard for appear- ance or behavior. Harassers may misinterpret be- havior or dress as being "en- ticing" in order to justify their aggressive actions. Women are taught throughout childhood to appear attractive and act pleasantly and passive- ly. Accusing women of inviting harassment by their appearance or behavior is a blatant example of blaming the victim instead of the instigator. "WOMEN WHO OBJECT HAVE NO SENSE OF HUMOR." This statement implies that sex= ual harassment is "harmless fun.” It is not, it is degrading and humiliating. Sexual harassment means being treated as a sex ob- — ject, not as a worker. Itis a vivid reminder that the harasser has higher status and more power than the victim. Sexual harass- ment has the potential to threat- en the victim's job, working con- ditions, training and career op- portunities. Any behavior with such potential is certainly not "harmless."