Local MLA’s came to the College on September 11 to get acquainted and discuss a variety of college matters such as the new campuses in Maple Ridge and Coquitlam and the fund- ing of post-secondary education in B.C. From left to right: Bill Day, College President, Barbara Copping, MLA (Port Moody-Burnaby Mountain); Michael Farnsworth, MLA (Port Co- quitlam); Barry Jones, MLA (Burnaby North); Gerry Della Mattia, Dean of Human Resources and College Development; Myrna Popove, Douglas College Board Chair; Jim Doerr, Dean of Community Programs and Services. President's report highlights - September On August 24, Jim Doerr, Margaret Mahan and I participated in a meeting held to ad- vise the Ministry of Advanced Education on the creation of a statistical base for community and continuing education programs in colleges and institutes. It is an important step in giving these programs an appropriate level of visibility. The fact that continuing educa- tion is mandated under the Advanced Education Act, but provided no form of formal or even informal support from Government, was brought forcefully to the attention of the Ministry in the Con- tinuing Education Report. On September 17, I participated in a meet- ing of representatives of colleges, school districts, private sector education and non- profit community-based education representatives to consider the means by which deliverers of education could be better represented on the proposed new B.C. Training and Adjustment Board. This Board and its activities will be of significance in the future in the develop- ment of a vigorous technical and Report continued on page 5 Assistance program for College employees From time to time some of us experience legal or financial problems, fathily or marital troubles, job stress or depression. When this happens, where can you turn? Wilson Banwell & Associates coordinates the Employee Assistance Plan for Douglas College. It provides counselling services free-of-charge to all regular employees and their immediate families. Wilson Banwell has eight lower mainland offices, including locations in Burnaby, Port Coquitlam, Surrey and Vancouver. Employees or their dependents who are faced with a work-related or personal crisis can call a Wilson Banwell office in their area. Services are available from 8am to 7pm, Monday through Friday, and some hours on Saturdays. Emergency service is available 24-hours a day. Neither the Employee Assistance Corun:- tee nor any other person in the College has access to the names of employees or their dependents who use the service. One of the strengths of an employee assis- tance program is the confidential nature of the service. For further information on the Employee Assistance Plan, please contact any of the committee members; they are: Rob Cor- bett, 5342; Ray Fournier, 5027; Glen James, 5252. You can also contact Wilson Banwell directly at 689-1717. & INside INformation INside Douglas College is publish- ed the first Tuesday of every month by the Public Information Office. Submissions are due Tuesday noon two weeks prior to publica- tion. Submissions on floppy disk in WordPerfect or ASCII format would be appreciated. Material may be edited for brevity and clarity. Tips, scoops and suggestions are always welcome. Please contact the Public Information Office, (604) 527-5325, FAX: (604) 527-5095, Room 4840 at the New Westminster campus, 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 $s douglas college