Mad Hatter Page 14 rather than any of the various forms of cel- lulose tape. Please avoid painted metal surfaces, if at all possible, as cellulose tape is difficult to remove and on a painted metal surface the risk of paint removal with the tape is very high. West Graydon F = 4 | You're Invited (An Invitation from the New Westminster - Valley Canadian Club) The Canadian Club is happy to extend guest attendance privileges to members of the Douglas College communities. The next meet- ing of the Club is a Dinner Meeting which will be held on Wednesday, February 16 at the Royal Towers Hotel. Dinner ($11 per plate) is at 7:00 p.m., with a "no host" bar at 6:30 p.m. The speaker will be Mr. John Laidlaw, his topic "Canadian Non-Government Organization Activities in the Third World". Mr. Laid- law was a high school teacher prior to be- coming a director of the Canadian Hunger Foundation. He has spent many years travel- ling and working in the Third World count- ries with much time spent in Africa. Mr. Laidlaw is reported by other Canadian Clubs to be an excellent, entertaining speaker. The Saskatoon Club reports that he stimulated its best ever question period. Anyone from Douglas College interested in hearing Mr. Laidlaw, please secure a guest card from Gena Ballantyne, local 4910. Mail Delivery Sorts Itself Out Due to the size of the Royal Avenue Site, mail will be picked up and delivered to each Curriculum Field Base and Departmnet once a day. The following is a tentative mail schedule till further notice: 7 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Ath Flr. South 3rd Flr. South 10:30 - 11:00 a.m. énd Flr. South 11:00 - 12:00 4th Flr. North 3rd Flr. North 2nd Flr. North Mail must be in before 3:00 p.m. everday in order to go out the same day. Larger quan- tities of mail from one department must be | in between 1:00 and 2:00 p.m. to go out by 3:00 p.m. of the same day. The Post Office requires that all out-going mail be divided into 3 groups: (1) Local - V3K, V3L, V3M - New Westminster V3N - East Burnaby V3H - Port Moody V3u - Coquitlam (2) Vancouver - North Vancouver - North Burnaby - West Vancouver - Richmond - South Burnaby (3) Out-of-Town - Langley, Abbots- ford, etc. Would you please ensure that all large mail- ings be grouped into these three categories. If they are not divided into categories we do not guarantee that they will be able to be mailed out the same day. mail is picked up from the post office at 0800 hours and delivered to the post office at 1600 hours. Please would you let us know as far in ad- vance as possible of any large mailings so that we can plan for them. Please bare with us as we get the mail sys- tem organized. As many of you are aware, Ed Chalkman is off on sick leave so not only: are we in the process of learning the oppor- ation of a mail room, but are also organiz- ing the mail system for the new building. Pat Thomasson At present, all |