rr Yi JAMES COWAN THEATRE DOUGLAS COLLEGE THEATRE 8 P.M. PRESENTS “Cruel Tears” Ken Mitchell ahd vinihires & the Dumptrucks Cruel Tears is one of the most original and inventive theatre pieces ever staged in Canada. Shakespear buffs may se€ in the play certain intriguing parallels to Shakespear’s Othello, but in Cruel Tears, the jealous hero is a Ukrainian truck driver from Saskatoon, not a Moor of Venice. Described as a “country Opera,” the play is written in the idiom of country and western music and features music by the Saskatchewan musical group, Humphrey & the Dumptrucks. APRIL 13th - TICKET RESERVA- PIONS PHONE 525-9211 \ act” yet on™ ad ‘ ne 16th rood v 3 - 8 & M « rc oR ears Nag 2 loa 3 Ss $s eae) a va MY 3 of KO. fe cane Bs Mee ae Be tes ay 26 ee a ¢ ee Ace ~ =. 0 > 2 HE cs Ong > 24 < : a Fe gone a as ly ae of a S 5 ly > sf a += 3 25 — “<< f OO 5 5. ° O & m aU wn = 6 me x i: See al o aa Oo Q ae ” P ot eral? ‘ ev’ yr" gig”) oan , aye The yon t yy on r s