Those which are for general college use or those which can only be purchased in bulk such as gallons of paint for silkscreening, muslin for draping patterns, carboys of sulphuric acid for use in the laboratory, etc., are the College's responsibility. CANCELLATION OF CLASSES The faculty member's contract with the College includes teaching every clas. assign.d to him or her. Instructors may make arrangements with their individual classes to meet at another time and place if it is impossible for the Instructor to meet a class because of personal reasons. This must be cleared with the Divisional Director. Absence due to illness may or may not be replaced depending upon the exigencies of the situation. Absences for other purposes such as conventions are normally covered by other faculty in the same Division, provided that the replacement provides bona fide, useful, learning experiences. PREREQUISITES FOR COURSES No course at: Douglas College has as a prerequisite another College or high school course unless it can be demonstrated to the College Curriculum committee and the Dean of Curriculum that the entire course is required t« move into the course for which a prerequisite is required. It is assumed that, if a student enters a course without having the prerequisite and successfully completes that course, he has demon- strated by passing the second course that he could have passed the first one and any rejuirement for the first course is automatically waived. This does not mean that a student gets credit where the -7 ~&