MEMO TO: Att Facutty FROM: LILLIAN Soca - Ass’T LIBRARIAN Aupio-VisuaL SERVICES THE SPRING SEMESTER IS APPROACHING FAST, SO BY DECEMBER 13 We WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR COOPERATION IN SENDING US FILM REQUESTS FOR THE NEXT TERM WITH DEFINITE DATES. THEN WE CAN BEGIN THE BOOKING PROCESS BEFORE VACATION AND AVOID HASSLES AND OVERWHELMING REQUESTS LATER. SEND THEM TO HELEN HAUGHTON - New WESTMINSTER CAMPUS LIBRARY, RUSH JOB CALENDAR Mens Baskengau Th Meir first exhibchen boskethall game, ‘the Dougles Cltege en's team tock on Phe Vancauer Gry lice. Squad. During Fhe. First bolP oP Ine Corre, Dougie Showedl the result 4 a erg , wet sumrrer, 3 Shey, Sporting tounaing beer bellies could not keep up with the taller, tougher, in-shape police. who furl a Tough run-and-gunr Fee. IA fhe ensuing shoot-out of Phe second hal, Daughos, Pah Qach Bill hovg's tal?time, Spel , evened tu acore. ond nAw Hho minutes a Re* laicl don Fre law, Grd went ones win Qe Gomme by Phe close. scare, + 63 t Gi, NEG FRI FRI THU WED TUE MON 7 G 5 &, 3 16 15 ba 13 9 23 19 17 31 30 29 27 26 24 38 37 36 35 2 3% 33 32 Every job is “rush”. Everyone wants his job yesterday. With n order his work on the seventh the third. All customers want their job by Friday; so there are week. There are seven endar, a customer ca and have it delivered on two Fridays in eac extra days at the end of the month da; —for those end-of-the-month jobs. There will be no first pay. There's a h /4 of the month bills to be p tenth and twenty-fifth h you have been asked to no bothersome ys, so there is no e pa non-productive d-o! time-an aid, aS there is ave also been n't any first. The omitted—in case y on one of these days. There Saturdays and Sun- ne-half or double time to new day each week called Negotiation Day.