- the other press Astrology Odin Zavier fipril 9, 2003 The Oracle Written By Odin schoolofthoth@yahoo.com schoolofthoth@yahoo.com Congratulations to all who have passed another semester of life cycles. I’ve been wondering how I can best serve in regards to your connection to nature and the solar system. I know that each of you reading this wants to have a picture of what to expect for the month ahead, so I came up with a plan. First, knowing the language of astrology will facilitate your progress in deciphering the effects and cycles of your life. Second, know- ing the positions of the planets at the time of your birth, from the Sun to Pluto. Third knowing the positions of the planets currently, as in now. POOH ESSOSSSSSOEE SEH SESESHESESOSOSESHHES SHES SES OSH SEES HTESESE SOSH SOO SOHSOOSOSOOESES OSS O OS OOOOH OHOEOSHSOSOESHES OOOO OSTEO OOOO OEOOOHOEOOOOOSOHEEESES EHO OOOO ESEHESE Here’s an example of a map it i F | HO3@HO BOGm Pwo VD XAT Firr TRS F j = ir et BBABuBuBBnBwBwBBnvz BYRSSSSESRIVSRES TNReHOUaKaeeQOAvO BBaGaGwalB—-SOIBR 13 [Mis sos 9° Bs > 1403 vos $ 038 ee ees Soke i: 013 of Fortune -002 8 2 218% |] Part of Spirit m-002 ce geet eee © S82, feat Pom Bes ¥ ou Planet Sign House} || Planet Symbols an Sana Time 212621 oo San Leo ed © San 3 21607 & GMT. 3 8:33: ? 0233 Vers Cancer = Ist 2 Verms § -003 ee © Bae ae) Satum Ares = ith | | © Satum Aspect On On Helio nen on an “ CConjmction O°00 12°00 12°00 Phto Gemini Ist ta Opposition 180°00' 10°00 10°00" suet North Node Cancer Ist & North Node o go°0e «= 8°00 8*00° ¥ 15m 32 Ascendant Gemini Ist de Ascendant aTx 120°00 «600 6°00" 2 611 Mitineren: eats 10th | fC Midheaven ¥Sextile enor «= 4°00 or F RRB Cazes Sth 2 Cores XSemi-Sextile 30°00 200 2°00 % 23.244 Pallas Liza sth 2 Pallas XQa 1so’oo Foe 3°00" em avs Jno Caprica 7th | | ¥ Sno ‘Sau sor Sor 0 m1SBI? Chiron Aqarm 10th 3 Chiron vay THOTH Astrological Life Sciences schoolofthoth@yahoo.com Phone: 604.523.1490 At first this will seem overwhelming. With a careful eye you will be able to use the lower charts. Find the sun, see that it’s in the sign Leo in the third house. Now look at the symbol, it’s a circle with a dot in the middle of it. Find that same symbol in the chart. You'll notice that the centre circle has numbers in it from 1 to 12. Find number 3 and behold, you will spot the symbol of the Sun. This Thoth is a Sun sign, Leo. Yet as you can see this Thoth is more that it seems, there’s an entire unique map for this character. Go through the rest of the chart find Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. By doing this exercise you will begin to familiarize your self with the planets, signs, and houses. This is the first step of learning the language. Stay tuned, next we put interpretations to the signs and symbols in future editions. Now as you know the Earth is revolving around the Sun, so are the planets in the solar system. They are constantly moving. You can begin to watch the effects, and see how the positions move around your chart. Begin to conduct your own experi- ment. Begin to distinguish the differences and uniqueness of all aspects of life. Do you cause situations or do situations hap- pen at certain times in the days, months or years? I ask of you to become aware of your cosmic connection daily. I’m sure that each of you has a day planner. Add a sec- tion in your daily habit patterns to add the important events that happened to you each day. What day did you have an exam? Cut your hair? Buy a car? What day did you get married, have a child etc? Each of these events offers you a clue of knowing yourself much more. The next step is for you to make your chart, you can get hold of me and I'll get you one. I'd also like to mention the moon and how important it is for us living on earth to follow the 28 1/2 day cycle of the moon. Each of us is affected by it. So here's some information. MOON The best way to learn about yourself and your life is through the study of the moon. The moon effects emotions, mind, and bodies of human beings on the earth. The moon in itself is not negative or pos- itive; the moon produces a magnetic field of energy, which then affects all life on earth. In the birth chart, a person with astrological knowledge will be able to track how the moon affects their own inner and outer life every 28 days. With this knowledge a person can choose the best choices in business and relationships. The person will enhance their life and learn the cycles of the natu- ral rhythms of the earth. The best way to keep track of the posi- tion of the Moon is to go to the following website: and down- load the shareware program called Lunabar 99. In my experienced opinion it is the best software program available, for tracking the Moon. Here is the procedure: Go to the Clysmic website and find the “Shareware” link. Click, on “Shareware.” Click, on the left-hand side, “Download Lunabar” button. Download it to a temporary file on your hard-drive. Once the download is complete (about 15 minutes on a 56K modem) go to the file which houses the down- load (Lunabar.exe), and double-click on it. The file will install a Moon symbol and an astrological sign in a position next to the clock on your taskbar in the lower right corner (Windows users). Once the software has been installed, place your mouse pointer on the Moon's symbol and double-click the mouse. A screen will open up;. click on Toolsand then choose Program Options. Choose the tab that says “Location.” Fill in the information required for the city in which you live... name, country, longitude and latitude. When finished, click OK and Lunabar will then keep track of the posi- tion of the Moon for your city. Every time you rest your mouse pointer on the Moon symbol, a little banner will pop up giving you the exact phase of the Moon. When you rest your mouse point- er on the astrological sign next to the the left-hand side, Moon symbol, a little banner will pop up giving you the exact degree of the Tropical sign that the Moon is in at that moment. Once Lunabar is fully installed and set for your own city of residence, you will be able to know the Moon's phase and sign position at all times. This is very helpful in watching the course of the Moon as it moves around your birthchart, which it does approximately every 28 days. For example, you will know exactly when the Moon will move over your birthchart’s ascendant, or midheaven, Sun position, Venus position, Saturn position etc. Since you are aware of how you are feel- ing at the time that these events take place, it will only take a few complete cycles of the Moon for you to understand that a pattern develops. Every time the Moon passes over your birthchart’s ascen- dant, you will know how you are feeling. Then, about 28 days later the Moon will pass over the same position, and again you will know how you are feeling, the kind of mood you are in, the energy level you are experiencing. Following the cycle of the Moon will soon show you how you are connected to it and to your birthchart configuration. This is the easiest planet to use as you begin to learn from astrobiolo- gy, the mysteries of our individual associ- ation with our solar system. This will be an exercise in astrobiology for you. Lunabar 99 displays the Moon’s position both in Tropical sign notation and also in constellational notation, covering perfect- ly both styles of zodiac. Lunabar 99 is shareware, and if you enjoy using it and find it useful, please send the company the small amount of money requested ($18). This will support them and allow the soft- ware engineers to develop more programs as useful as this one is. Astrology is used to assess the qualities of relationships such as boss/employee, parent/child, student/teacher, lovers, mar- riage partners, business partners, profes- sional relationships with doctors, lawyers, astrologers etc. It’s used to make decisions easier and estimate possible stresses; it assists people to know when to move for- ward, when to stop, when to step back and how many steps. In general astrology has many uses in life, from business and financial purposes to being used as a tool for enlightment. Classes and personal instruction available, for a consultation ask about specials. Thoth Life Sciences —Odin page 27 ©