apogee PAGE 20 March 1, 1985 Douglas College Student Society ~ Constitutional Amendments _Existing By-Law 28.1 The Ombudsperson shall be elected in the Spring Elections in conjunction with the Executive .positions. All nominees must be students, have a ‘Grade Point Average of 2.5, and have completed one semester at Douglas College. Any Ombudsperson can be removed from.office by Impeachment, at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting, by Impeach- . ment procedure (By-law 15.2). The term of office will run concurrent with that of the Student Administrative — Council members. Existing By-Law 28.2 The Student Ombudsoffice shall func- tion on behalf of the student body, in conjunction with the Student Society, in matters of conflict between a student or students, and any other organization or individual, that is, on an informal basis. He/She shall also serve in the capacity of watchdog of the Douglas College Student Society Constitution. Existing By-Law 28.3 The Ombudsoffice shall contain one office situated where space is avail- able. The officer shall receive a stipend. Existing By-Law 28.4 The office hours of the Ombudsperson are to be set up by the Ombuds- person, for each semester, and not to consist of less than ten (10) hours per week with special arrangements being made for emergency situations. The hours are to be published in all student newspapers and newsletters, with the expense being borne by the Douglas College Student Society. Existing By-Law 28.5 Office space shall, if available, be provided at the chosen location by Douglas College Student Society. Pri- vacy must be ensured during office hours. Existing By-Law 28.6 A general case journal shall be kept. No personal records to be kept after the-closing of any case. The journal will be presented in the form of a report at the Annual General Meeting each year. Existing By-Law 28.7 The Ombudsperson must attend a training workshop, held pursuant to the election. Existing By-Law 28.8 To ensure the sovereignty of the Student Ombudsoffice: the Student Ombudsoffice does not constitute a subsidiary organization of the eat, any other organization of the College. PROPOSED CHANGES Amendment to By-Law 28.1 This is a motion to change by-law 28.1 of the Douglas College Student Society Constitution to read as fol- ' lows: “The position of Ombudsperson shall be filled by a member of the Douglas College student commun- ity. S/he must have attended the College for at least one previous semester and have a minimum grade point average of 2.5. This is an appointed position, with the appointment being made by a selection committee, as outlined in section 28.9 of the constitution. The period of appointment will com- mence September 1 through to August 31 the following year.’’ Amendment to By-Law 28.2 This is a motion to change by-law 28.2 of the Douglas College Student ae. Constitution to read as fol- lows: “The student Ombudsperson shall function on behalf of the student body and is completely autonomous of any organization or individual within or outside of Douglas College. S/he shall ensure, to the best of her/his ability, that the Student Society conducts their business according to the guide- lines set out in the Douglas College Student Constitution.’’ Amendment to By-Law 28.3 This is a motion to change by-law 28.3 of the Douglas College Student Society Constitution to read as fol- lows: “The Student Society shall pro- vide the Ombudsperson with a private office, telephone service, necessary secretarial services and supplies. Also any keys that are required for after hour access to these. A budget shall be prepared by the Ombudsperson and submit- ted to the Student Society for approval. A stipend of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month will be paid to the Ombudsperson for a minimum of five (5) scheduled office hours per week, or a rate of five dollars ($5.00) per hour for all scheduled office hours.’’ Amendment to By-Law 28.4 This is a motion to change by-law 28.4 of the Douglas College Student So- ciety Constitution to read as follows: “The Ombudsperson shall be available by appointment and shall maintain at least four (4) open office hours per week. In addition, the Ombudsperson shall be .avail- able at the Maple Ridge campus for two (2) hours every second week. The office hours are to be published in all Douglas College student newspapers and newsletters, with any expenses being borne by the Student Society.’’ Ombudsoffice Administrative Policy This is a motion to delete sub- section 28.5 and put in.its place the following sub-sections: 28.5a In the case of actual or threatened conflict of interest, the Ombudsperson shall make this fact known to the client and/or major parties concerned, and shall ensure that the client is aware of any other possible methods of resolving the matter. 28.5b The Ombudsperson may inquire into any matter brought to his/her atten- tion, or which s/he feels is of interest to the College community, and may make whatever recommendation s/he feels is appropriate. The Ombuds- person shall not initiate legal or other action on behalf of the Student Society or any client or group. 28.5c The priority of cases in the Ombuds- person’s caseload shall be determined by the Ombudsperson. However, the Ombudsperson will ensure that all cases presented to the Office are dealt with in the least amount of time as possible. The Ombudsperson may recommend, if s/he deems it appro- priate that a prospective client pursue other channels than the Ombuds- office, providing a written rational for a recommendation if requested. The Ombudsperson shall have the right to refuse to take up any case where s/he feels involvement would be inappropriate, and to withdraw from a case for the same reason, providing a written rationale for this action on request. 285d The Ombudsperson shall produce a yearly public report, indicating the number and type of cases, general observations on College affairs and any recommendations the Ombuds- person feels are in the best interests of the College community. A copy of the annual report shall be distributed to the Student Society, The Other Press, the College Board and any other individual or group the Ombudsperson feels is appropriate. 28.5e All matters submitted by an individ- ual to the Ombudsperson must be presented by the individual involved, and no third party shall have the authority to initiate an investigation by the Ombudsperson on another’s behalf. 28.5f No decision or recommendation by the Ombudsperson may be legally bind- ing on any individual, group or agency. 28.52 Any complaints against the Ombuds- person shall be presented, in: person and in written form, to the Student Society Senate. 28.5h_ A client shall make known to the Ombudsperson any other aid, e.g. a lawyer, being used in an appeal or grievance. Clients shall provide com- plete and truthful information, as they know it, to the Ombudsperson. Fail- ure to provide such information shall be ground for the Ombudsperson’s refusal to take up or continue on a given case. Amendment to By-Law 28.6 This is a motion to change by-law 28.6 of the Douglas College Student Society Constitution to read as fol- lows: ‘‘A general case journal will be kept. This will:only include type of complaint and whether resolved or not. There will be no reference to any individual, group or agency. Ombudsoffice case files are to be maintained in the strictest confiden- tiality. Only the Ombudsperson and the individual concerned will have access to the case files under all circumstances. The Ombudsoffice case files will be destroyed at the end of each Spring Semester.’’ Amendment to By-Law 28.7 This is a motion to change by-law 28.7 of the Douglas College Student Society Constitution to read as Fol- lows: ‘““An opportunity shall be provid- ed by the Student Society for the Ombudsperson to attend an In- doctrination Session as soon as possible, after being appointed. All costs involved shall be borne by the Student Society.’’ Proposed Changes for By-Law 28.9 This is a motion to add to the Douglas College Student Society Con- stitution section 28 (Ombudsoffice) the following subsection, which will be referred to as subsection 28. 9: The position of Ombudsperson shall be appointed by a selection committee consisting of the follow- ing: 1. A member of the Senate, other than an Executive Position. 2. President of the Student Society Senate. 3. Secretary of the Student Society Senate. se =