Jhe Mad Hatter _A Douglas College Newsletter. DOWELAS SOLLEGE LipRaRY ARCHIVES May 22, 1984 DOUGLAS COLLEGE STUDENT TRUST Douglas College Student Trust is now the official name for the student financial assistance fund. This name was oe proved by the Board of Trustees at a meeting on April 10. Developmental work on the Trust is progressing and summary highlights to date include: 1. A $30,000 donation to the Trust from the Douglas College Student Society. 2. Approval has been given to increase the number of community representatives on the Board of Trustees from 4 to 6. The number of College representatives 4te4 cone at 6 and the total Board membership Wl e 3. A ep Ate campaign is pein planned for this fall, and to research and plan this Wngee rer aog a number of marker students are being hired under the Summer Yout Bape Program. We are very pleased that Lynn Leavens has volunteered to serve as poe advisor/coordinator to this important pro- ject. 4. Representative members of the Board of Trustees have met with the Executive Director of the Vancouver Foundation to discuss the possibilities for financial assistance and matching grants from the Foundation. The prospects are encouraging and the Vancouver . Eo aiton is very supportive of students financial needs.