a er el ee a SS a MEMO TO: All Employees FROM: Supervisor of Personnel Administration RE: . Vacancy - FACILITIES ASSISTANT kkk * Effective immediately the fallowing position In the College is avallable. Position: Facltlities Assistant —_eooo Classification: Technician |] Salary: $877.00 - $1022.00 The job description for this position Is posted on all Staff Notice Boards. if no applicants fully meet the Pre-requisites, appointment may be made at a lower classifi-~ : cation level. In keeping with our pollcy of filling vacancies 4 from within our staff whenever possible, we 4 invite applications from al) qualifled employeesg who are Interested in being considered for this § position. If you wish to apply for this position, you should adyise the Supervisor of Personnel Administration in writing by 3 October 1975. Quote Position Title used in this advertIlsement.} Zak ; L. C. Laurie ! Supervisor of Personnel Administration MAD HATTER TOP SOIL AVAILABLE Considerable quantities of dark, loamy stone-free top soil are available If you free of charge for collection from ponds on the Serpentine Fen. have a truck and the strength to fill it by shovelling (or by hiring a front-end loader) please contact Barry Leach at Surrey Campus, 588-4411. (As the Fen is Provincial Crown Land no charge need be paid. to Surrey Municipality for removing top-soil.)