THLATRE GALLERY From December 7th., a Collection of Seascapes, Landscapes and Drawings by @ White Rock Artist LEN WHELAN. . comny FLT 4 jee UPCOMING IN THE MAIN GALLERY From January 7th. thru January 18th.. A One Man Show by JAMES WARREN FELTER. PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST A Photographic Contest is planned for January and February. Judging will take place in March. All Prints that are selected will be Exhibited in the Main Gallery the last two weeks in April, 1976. The Contest will be open to all Amateurs in the Surrey Area. Contest miles and entry forms will be available in January and further information will be published in the next few weeks. Call Centennial Arts Centre at 596-7461 TOURNESOL Tournesol has returned from a tour of Europe ann North Africa where they were holding Summer and Fall Workshops. They are now, once again, at their Bridge- view location and are available for Beginners Courses, Advanced Programmes as well as School Performances and Workshops in the Surrey Area. More information can be obtained from Jennifer Munro at 524-3052 QUILTS From March 3rd. to March 17th. Circle Cratt Co-operative of Victoria will be exhibiting their current Quilt Collection. It will be held in the Main Gallery and we would urge anyone who has an interest in this fascinating craft, to mark these dates on your Calendar. IN THE THEATRE Cerebral Palsey Clinic Benefit Concert ANDRE' PIERRE ALEXANURTA pianist BARGAIN MUSIC SOCIETY December 13th. - A Concert and Dance, comprising an original adaptation of "A CHRISTMAS CAROL", Debbie Foulks and Bargain at Half the Price in Concert Dance Music provided by "ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE" Time: 8:00 P.M. December 16th. and 17th. - CONCER? ONLY "a CHRISTMAS CAROL". Bargain at 1/2 The Price in Concert and THE KOBZAR DANCERS. Curtain time: 8:00 P.M. CIRCUS MINIMUS ‘A°’Satirical view of the traditional circus, complete with Clowns, Jugglers and Belly Dancers. Curtain time: 8:00 P.M.