Fi = pe Qiao Why you should floss: a chronology By Linda M. Tobias The first appointment: The dentist peers at my X-rays and confirms that I have a cavity. This is not a surprise to me. I’ve suspected for a few weeks (okay, months) that this might be the case. It was the pain that tipped me off. The second appointment: The freezing has set in and the dentist is drilling away. She stops and peers at me over her face mask. There’s a look in her eyes that I don’t care for. “I’m sorry,” she says. “It’s too late for this tooth, the decay’s too far in. I’m afraid you’re going to need a root canal.” I’m not sure what a root canal is, but judging from her expression, I assume it’s painful. She seems to be expecting tears. I’ve been through childbirth, though—bring it on! The third, fourth and fifth appointment: The male dentist and his hygienist have me head down, with a large telescope- type thing above me. It blocks the view to the TV. They’re removing the nerves from my tooth, I’m told. A slow, multi- hour procedure that some genius (not me) decided should be split up over three separate appointments. I ask them to pull the tooth out instead. They seem to think I’m joking. The sixth appointment: Oh my God! I’ve swallowed my tooth! What the hell?! All that’s left in my mouth is a raggedy stump where my tooth used to be and since I didn’t spit anything out... Turns out, what I ate was a temporary crown. It’s biodegradable and losing it is no big deal, I’m assured. This is little comfort to me seeing as how I’ve rearranged my schedule and driven an hour to get here for no apparent reason. The seventh appointment: Gum surgery to make room for the crown. Enough said. No, wait, there is more to say: I’m breastfeeding. So I can’t take the Tylenol 3s I’ve been prescribed. The eighth appointment: The stitches are removed. Another two hours spent in the car, driving to the office, this time for something I’m sure I could have accomplished myself with a mirror and manicure scissors. The ninth and tenth appointment: ~ As of this writing, those appointments are scheduled for later this month. I’m assured that as soon as my new crown is in place on the second of these visits, everything will be complete. There’s a new ache now, ina different tooth. I don’t think I'll mention it to my dentist. Instead, I'll pay you $50 to smack me in the face with a crowbar. After all, I’m not a masochist. Correction In our February 2" issue, it was reported that Officer Scott Klassen of the New Westminster police force was implicated in the beating of a newspaper delivery man (“The police need to be better,” page 10). It was actually Jeff Klassen of the New Westminster police who was implicated. The Other Press regrets this error. DJ HOTT WAXX droppin the beais just for you! 0 Every Friday and Saturday Join Us at 4&7 Below for ALL your Canucks PP and UFO coverage: _ Free Authentic canucks jersey giveaway EVERY canucks game Hone a fundraiser at &7 Below Raise up to 2000.00 in one night iO <-is WAC lO) ene © ONSEN -ENOR SAI} SI CoCn OOK gay. ei1 en Monthly Sponsorship into CPT events z for |Appies for a! Dougias CO!eGe@ studenis must have student ID card Coyote Ugly on the bar Friday nichts dancing on the bar 57 BLACKIE STREET NEW WESTMINSTER BC P:604.522,001 1 F: 604.522.0544