~ Ahh, the Holidays Kerry Evans, OP Contributor y daughter said to me the other | \ day, “I really want to know if Santa is real, but don’t tell me. No, do tell me. No, don’t tell me.’ She’s already found out this year, through a close examination of handwriting, that the Tooth fairy and Easter Bunny are less than real. So, now it’s Christmas and I know she will be comparing the wrapping paper that was used for gifts from Santa with that used for gifts from Mom. She will be holding the tags up to the light for ink comparison. And furthermore, she will be waiting to see if she got the presents she asked Santa for. Here’s the problem: she whispered her requests in Santa’s ear and is refusing to tell me. Now I have the next few weeks to convince her how naughty she is so I can fill her stocking with coal and be done with it. I always think I love the holidays until they arrive. I don’t sit around baking and decorating my home and animals like Miss. Aikman does. I put up the tree after the 5th, I bake one horrid batch of sugar cookies, I buy too many presents and give them to people who give me ugly knit scarves in return, and I mostly wallow that I am spending another holiday season mate-less. Ahh, the holidays. Grand, aren’t they? Gosh, T’m a little grinchy, aren’t I? Well, don’t pray for my soul yet. This morning I listened to Celine Dion’s Christmas album and the result was that I didn’t yell at my kid once. Not even when she locked both bathroom doors so we couldn’t get in. Not even when she left the syrup bottle open and on its side on the counter so that little drops are now splat- tered all over the kitchen floor and cupboards. And not even when she threw the hairbrush at me blaming me for the poor genetics that caused her hair to be unbrushable. No, I just turned up Celine and went about my business. Yes, Santa’s sleigh will fly a little high- er this year, thanks to my overwhelming holiday joy. You’re welcome. Happy holi- days. Oh, and please, don’t drink and drive, not only during the Christmas sea- son, but ever. Call a cab, because let’s face it, wouldn’t you rather throw up in a cab than in your own car? SH TSITH: Matters David Suzuki, David Suzuki Christmas Complaints Miss the Point It started over a month ago—even before Halloween. The television commercials, the flyers in the mail, the decorations in the mall. Christmas is now a two-month event—one long blowout sale. But there’s also no shortage of people decrying the commercialization of the holidays. The criticism itself is nothing new. People have been complaining about it for decades. Every year, the Christmas season gets a little longer; every year, peo- ple complain about it a little more. It’s certainly a valid criticism, one that I can’t help but make myself. As the holi- day hype escalates, so too does our accumulated waste. The roads become packed with anxious shoppers, driving from mall to mall in search of the right gifts. The malls become stuffed with Christmas goods and trinkets, all vying to catch the shoppet’s eye. And the shoppers themselves become stuffed with holiday sweets and extra-large gingerbread lattes. The whole enterprise is a monument to excess. For some, this excess typifies every- thing that is wrong with the developed world. We consume far more than our share of the world’s resources. We create huge amounts of waste. We obsess with fads and fancy while species die out, pol- lutants seep into the food chain, and the climate changes. Christmas is the pinnacle of our hyper-consumptive lifestyles, so it’s easy to point a finger and condemn the whole stressful, chaotic, overindulgent experience. But the real question is why? Why do people put themselves through all the stress and pressure? Why do they go into debt so they can give gifts that the receiv- er probably doesn’t even need? Why do they complain about the excesses of Christmas and then fall for it again every year? I believe they are trying to fill a void. With fewer and fewer people taking part in the religious aspects of the holidays, many are looking for other rituals to take their place. Humans have an innate need to connect to their families, their commu- nities, and to the rhythms and cycles of nature. Throughout human history, we’ve done that with celebrations and rituals to reflect the changing seasons, the lunar cycles, and important stages in our lives. But today’s world is very different, very new and in many ways runs against millennia of the human experience. This new world runs 24/7. This world is built on consistency and uniformity, rather than reflecting natural rhythms, local cul- tural, or geographic differences. This world has few rituals to reflect the stages of out lives, the changing of the seasons, and the passage of time. It doesn’t matter if it’s dark outside. We just turn on a light. It doesn’t matter if it’s cold outside. We just turn up the heat. The seasons may change, but our work schedules stay the same. Fresh vegetables and fruits are available year-round, regardless of whether or not they are in season or grown anywhere nearby. A Big Mac is a Big Mac, here or in Turkey. This world we’ve created is hard on the planet and it’s hard on ourselves. We've tried to isolate the human experi- ence from the rest of nature, but it’s an impossible task. Humans are a part of nature. Whether we like it or not, our bod- ies respond to changes in the natural world. The more we try to deny who we are, the less connected we will feel and the more damage we will do to the planet. In the absence of God or spirituality, in the absence of a capacity to respond to seasonal patterns and natural rhythms, and in the absence of meaningful social rituals, people are grasping onto whatever they can to help ground them in their communities. If that means spending days at a time in a crowded mall, then that’s what we do. That becomes the ritual. That becomes Christmas. I think people are hungry for change, but feel trapped. We are yearning for meaning, but accepting baubles and trin- kets instead. Until we stop denying our biological roots and embrace our human- ity, we will never find the meaning we seek. It’s just not something you can pick up at the mall. Take the Nature Challenge and learn more at www.davidsuzuki.org. becemper 8/200