Soc 125:Readings in 0.b.0 Soc 135:Readings in cal Theory-$30.00 o.b.o ™ Social Science 140:Essentials of Organiz Behaviour 4th edition-$25.00 o.b.o theminah Soce145:Social Issues aad Cantradictions in Canadian Soceity-$30.00 0.b.o Ant 135/126: Talking about people-$20.00 o.b.o DS Th)..6 eT ERE Titans. call 1-604-975 Pos es nte rV | CW (continued from page 7) to SubPop and they’ve been updating a lot. I really want to, SimCity. OP: The engineering game where you build your own city... Well, if you could build your own city what would you do? What would you outlaw? KS: Hmm, no Christians! No. Everybody would have to sleep all the time, there would be a lot of sleeping going on. There [would be] beds everywhere, so if you went to a club you could take a nap. I get so beat at clubs. There’s just bunks everywhere and there’d be a lot of love and weird stuff happenin’. OP: Hmm, sounds pretty pagan. KS: Yeah, really pagan. Definitely a lot of Maypole dancing going on. I’d plan it sort of like Mexico City was before the Spanish came. OP: Sure, the city in the middle of the lake, with the two pyramids. KS: Yeah, I have it all super-planned out... I actually had this really good mushroom trip one time (Mike and I laugh) and I just saw this amazing, ...ahh... I guess it was an Aztec city and... I could literally see the whole thing and it was amazing. My ideal is to get back there somehow (we laugh again) but... I don’t think that the drugs would take me the same place [again], so I have to find another way. OP: Yep, those are one-shots, You could get a flash- back if you’re lucky. KS: I have an excellent fantasy life, I spend a lot of my time just... OP: The great thing about it is that your brain doesn’t know the difference between something you’ve vividly imagined and something that’s actually hap- pened to you in the past. So the difference between a memory and a hallucination is virtually nil. So you can live pretty much any way you want. KS: Yeah, there’s that mechanism in your brain that makes you forget dreams so you don’t, confuse them with memories. There’s been times in my life where that failed and so you have that heart-stopping feeling like ‘Oh my god, did I really start jacking-off while I was driving with my mom. (Mike and I laugh) No, 1 couldn’t have done that! No, no, I couldn’t.. no. No, we don’t have an orange bubble car with eighteen wheels on the roof...’ OP: But, it makes you think. KS: Hmmmmm (sips his coffee) Hey, maybe we should go see TrebleCharger... Oh, and maybe we should do some ID’ too: ‘Hey this is Ken from the Posies and you're read- ing [The Other Press.]’ the three of us get up from the table and go to pay for our coffees. OP: Well, seeing as you’ve been so kind, Ill grab it. KS: You’re buyin’? OP: Yep, I’m buying. KS: What a stud! You know what? On your fiftieth birthday there’lI be a fifty pound canister of frozen bull se- men, from the bull farm I’ll be owning at that time. OP: Wow, fifty pounds! You don’t collect that alll in one sitting do you? We open the door to the restaurant and I can't hear Ken's response. I hope it was no. The three of us walk back to the venue, where Ken and the rest of the Posies put ona kickass show, in one writers OPinion. Watch for the Posies new Album, comming to a CD player near you.